17- More scrapbooking and a small shocker

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Tori's pov

I had 1 hour left to get to my first class. I was already ready and it's just down the road. I walked over to my desk and opened the droar to get the scrapbook out. I went to go get my mini printer too. After I got it and connected it to my iphone, I selected the pictures of me and Harry that we took on Saturday when he was over.

We took quite a few. One was of me and Harry in a fighting position, well him in one and I just have one fist in the air since my other hand was taking the picture and we both had a serious face. I put that one on my instagram. Another of me over Harry's shoulder, he's looking back and my mouth is open.  One of me and him snuggling on the couch. I'm on top of him in this picture and my head is laying on chest with my eyes closed and i'm hugging his waist while one of his arms are wrapped around my waist and he's taking the picture with his other hand. And finally the last picture I'm sitting on him and his arms are hugging my waist and his head is burried in my neck because he didn't want anymore pictures but I took one any way.

After they all printed I did the same as I did with the rest of the pictures in this scrapbook and stuck the new pictures on a new page, wrote the date and a small description on the bottom of the page, kissed the page and made a cute little lip print from my lipstick for a small decoration and closed the scrapbook.

I looked at the clock and saw I had 10 minutes left before I had to be at school so I decieded to leave.

As I was walking to school, I got a text from Maya wondering where I was. Shoot! I totally forgot I was going to meet up with her before class so she could tell me everything that happened on her trip with Josh. To be honest I could really care less because I hate Josh but she's happy with him so I just have to put up with it.

I started jogging to the school so that I could maybe catch her and she could start explaining. Thank god I woar flats today.

Just as I was about  turn into the school gates I stoped dead in my tracks.

"Oh my god" I said to myself.

It was him.


Short chapter, sorry!  But I will be updating again soon!


1. Who do you think is "him"?

2. What is Harry's plan?

3. How do you like this story so far? :)


also follow my ig! > @/preciousnouis

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