Chapter 19: Don't Go to Hospitals

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Rule #29: Don't Go to Hospitals

Hospitals are for the weak.

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The first thing I see when I open my eyes is a teddy bear tucked under my arms. Underneath all the pain in my head, I feel a faint sense of relief. At least, I got Charlotte back. I take my bear and press her against my face, nuzzling my nose in her warm and welcoming scent.

Then, I realize I'm in a hospital bed.

My eyes shift around the room, trying to figure out what's going on. A faint, monotonous beeping comes from besides me. The room is filled with the color white, from the buzzing lights to the blank walls. It makes my head hurt all over again. Besides my bed is a computer on a desk and a brown leather couch. Melody sits on it, flipping through a magazine with a bored expression.

I close my eyes, suddenly dizzy.

The memories from last night are a blur. I remember vague flashes of a beach, of yelling, of being in a white tub, of somebody brushing my hair back and whispering soothing words. But even with all those scattered pieces, I still can't remember what happened.

I open my eyes again and wait for the world to steady itself before turning to Melody. "What happened?"

Her head snaps up. Without a single answer, Melody launches herself around my neck, which is a difficult feat, considering I'm still lying down. Pain racks my skull again, making me groan.

"Sorry, sorry," Melody backs down. "I was just so worried."

I press my hands to my head, squinting in the light. "Why am I in a hospital?"

"You don't remember anything?"


"Oh, well, I guess I have to explain everything then," Melody inhales deeply, making her cheeks puff up. Then, in one quick rush, "Long story short, last night, you were wandering around the beach when some bastard slammed a volleyball into your skull, causing you to fall into the ocean and pass out. Since the tides were so high, you nearly drowned! Nobody knew what to do. But then Archer came in, ripped off his shirt and saved your life, with his swim-team experience."

"He did what?"

"Archer saved your life," Melody repeats. She places the back of her hand on my forehead. "Are you okay? Can you understand me properly?"

I slap her hand away, although it barely touches her skin. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Because you have a severe concussion."

"I do?"

"Yeah," She nods and then, suddenly stops. "Oh, shit! I was supposed to tell the doctor when you woke up again! I'll be right back."


But she's already out the door

I sit up and lean back on my pillows, trying to think about the situation. A severe concussion? Was that what was causing all my headaches? No, it couldn't have been. I was just hit by the volleyball yesterday.

Just then, the door swings open to reveal a woman with red hair and a white lab coat enters the room, with mom following straight behind her.

Instead, mom sits down on the couch that Melody was just on. She sits with her back erect and bites her lip so hard that some of red lipstick smears. I try to catch her eyes, but mom stares straight at the doctor, refusing to meet my eye.

I wait for somebody to say something, but silence fills the room.

"What happened?" I demand.

Mom throws an anxious glance at the doctor, who clicks something on her computer.

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