Chapter 23: Be a Winner

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Rule #22: Be a Winner

Even if it's not a game.

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"Wake up!"

I throw another rock at Archer's window. But the rock cracks his window and tumbles down apologetically. I catch it just before it reaches his ground. Alright. So maybe a giant rock wasn't the best idea. Whatever. I'm sure I can just find a pebble lying down somewhere around -

Archer slams the window out. His scowl turns into an exasperated look once he notices me.

I wave. "Good morning, Romeo."

"If you're the one breaking my window, doesn't that mean I'm Juliet?"

"Are you?" I think about it for a moment, then give up because I don't care. "That doesn't matter. I haven't seen you in three days, you know."

"And so you broke my window."


"It's fine," Archer pauses, waiting until the wind passes before continuing. "Why are you here?"

"To take you on a date." I pick up the petunias, which I plucked from Mrs. Henry's garden, brush the sand off and offer them to him.

Another pause.

"Are you asking me out?"

"As friends." I correct him. "Look, I even brought a ladder."

"I see that."

We both take a moment to glance at the ladder, which is a rusty silver and wobbles slightly in the wind. It's the only one that goes up to Archer's window and should be safe enough to climb down on - as long as there's somebody holding on the bottom.

Archer places his elbows on the windowsill. "So, where are you taking me?"

"The treehouse."

"The treehouse? But it's unfinished."

Do I have to explain everything to this kid. "Yeah, that's why we're going to finish it tonight. Between, you, me, Melody and James, we should be able to -"

"Hang on, Melody and James?"

I nod, confused on why that was worth interrupting me for. "They're coming."

"Not interested."

Before I can say anything else, Archer slams his window shut.

His silhouette vanishes from the window, probably to have gone back to sleep. I stand still for a moment, unsure what to do. In the distance, the waves crash against the shore before rolling back again. That happens twice before I come to my senses.

"Right." I mutter to myself and set up the ladder.

Typically, you'd have somebody hold the ladder while you climb up. But typical is boring, so I set two stones at its base and make my way up. It isn't until the metal hinges that shuddering under my weight that I begin to reconsider this idea.

Still, I manage to make it to Archer's window without any more injuries. Sure enough, he's not sleeping at all. Instead, he's busy scribbling a picture on his doodlepad (or whatever it's called).

I knock on his window.

His whole body jerks when he hears the sound. It's almost comedic seeing his eyes widen like that. I wave again as he stomps over to the window.

"I can't believe your rejected our date just so you could - ah!"

Archer grabs my waist and tugs me inside the room. I grab his shoulders so the both of us don't topple over. But my feet, which are suddenly airborne, knock the ladder over

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