Rule #2: Isolation
Rebels Stand Alone
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Even with the dreary clouds, chilly wind, and the fact that it's Monday, I'm in a good mood today. Maybe I've finally finished my college applications. Maybe it's because the effects of my concussion are fading away. Maybe it's because Archer kissed me back.
It's probably because Archer kissed me back.
Eventually, the last bell of the day rings. I go to my locker because Archer has swim practice after school and therefore, can't drop me off at work. By the time I reach M111, Sebastian and Archer are already there.
They're busy in a conversation so I don't interrupt. Instead, I swing open my locker and trade my textbooks for my skateboard. Then, I slam the locker door shut and hurry outside. Before I even exit the hallway, however, Archer grabs my wrist and tugs me back to his side.
"Meet me by the treehouse tonight?"
I attempt not to look dazed. "Yeah, sure."
He kisses my cheek. The contact between us lasts less than a second, but that's all it takes for me to jerk away and my cheeks to hear up.
"What?" He's grinning.
I take a step back, tucking my skateboard under my arm. "We'll talk about this tonight."
"I'll look forward to it."
I roll my eyes, but smile. But I'm already running late to work, now that I don't have Archer's car, so I just wave a goodbye and walk towards the front doors.
"What the hell was that about?" I hear Sebastian grumble.
By the time Archer responds, I'm too far away.
The wind, chilling and angry, hits me hard as I exit the school, nearly knocking me into a bush. I can't balance on my skateboard with it, so I just run to work instead. I reach Lily's Pet Shop eight minutes later after my shift is supposed to start. After chucking my skateboard behind the building, I enter the store.
The store is almost empty. Besides the soft jingle of the bell from when I open the door, the area is silent. Even the animals don't make any noise. Mondays are slow for us, so it's not unusual for there to be a lack of customers. But even the mood today is different.
Nobody stands at the front register so I head towards the back of the pet shop, combing my fingers through my disgruntled hair. In the office, I find my manager, Peter, and my coworker, Leo in the back.
"Sorry, I'm late," I breathe, tucking the last of the stray hair behind my ears. Peter and Leo both share a grim look. "Is something wrong?"
"They found Susan Smith," Peter is the first one to speak.
I take a moment to process this information, unsure of whether to anticipate or dread what's going to come next. "Where?"
"Las Vegas," Peter takes a deep breath before continuing. "Our previous assumptions were right. They uncovered a dog fighting ring. It seems that they relocated every few months in order to evade the police, hence the abandoned house that Susan Smith left behind."
My good mood from earlier today is shut down. "Holy shit. Did they find the people behind it?"
"Susan Smith and a couple of other men were arrested. The police are talking to them now."

Rules of a Rebel
Romance" He kisses my wrist, at the spot where the bruises formed. My heart goes into overdrive, sending hot chills all over my body. I stumble in my tracks, gawking, open-mouthed. 'Something wrong?' Archer asks, a hint of a smirk nudging his lips. I sh...