Rule #11: Pick Fights
And win them.
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After we get back from Chicago, all of us are exhausted. Irene and Sebastian go straight to their homes. All I want to do is lie down on my bed and sleep - but we have school.
So I spend eight more hours cramming my brain with all the information I need to know about finals, then another two studying while Archer finishes his last swim meet. By the time I stumble into Archer's car at five thirty, I'm so tired that I fall asleep.
I wake up with Archer's lips pressed on mine.
Squinting, I manage a smile. "Hey. What's going on?"
"You look cute when you sleep, almost like you're happy," Archer gives my lips another peck before standing up again. "Come on, your mom's calling us."
Yawning, I grab my backpack and follow Archer outside. The breezy air feels nice on my skin, even if it is humid as hell. We walk through the house and into the backyard.
Mom waits for us at the porch, arms folded. "How did the trip go?"
"Okay. Irene, Jake and Andrew had a fun time. But now I'm tired so I think I'll just go and - what's this?" I say at the blue and white outfit mom shoves into my arms.
"Your costume."
"My costume?" I blink slowly, finally taking in my surroundings.
Mom's done something to our backyard. Sparkling blue and yellow lanterns hang from strings draped around wooden posts. Little cutouts of papers ships dangle from the corners. On a table nearby, our speakers play a Mediterranean theme. People, dressed in sundresses and loose pants, chat with each other.
"Wait a minute, what's going on?"
"Our barbecue," Mom snaps. "I knew you weren't listening when I told you about it last week. It's our turn to host the neighborhood barbecue. Melody and I chose a sailor theme. Go get dressed."
"A barbecue?" I try not to whine, but the drag comes into my voice anyways. "Now? But I've had such a long day..."
"You should have thought of that before you decided to travel halfway across the country during the school year," Mom glances over my shoulder and offers Archer a beaming smile. "Hello, sweetheart, how did the swim meet go?"
"Good," Archer grins at my sulky expression. "We'll go get changed now. Peyton?"
"I want you down in ten minutes," Mom calls.
"Okay," I roll my eyes, then turn around. "Wait, if you and Melody picked out the theme together, does that mean you made up?"
She sniffs. "We weren't in a fight in the first place."
"Get changed."
I guess that's as good as I'm going to get. With a tired sigh, I follow Archer upstairs to my bedroom. He already has shirt off when I enter. I close the door behind me and toss my dress to the bed. "Did you know about this party?"
"Of course."
I scowl to myself. "Of course."
My bed seems so appealing. All I have to do is walk over, flop down and go to sleep. But then mom would wake me up and I'd have to go downstairs in an even worse mood. With another sigh, I tug my clothes off and pull on the costume mom put out for me.

Rules of a Rebel
Romantik" He kisses my wrist, at the spot where the bruises formed. My heart goes into overdrive, sending hot chills all over my body. I stumble in my tracks, gawking, open-mouthed. 'Something wrong?' Archer asks, a hint of a smirk nudging his lips. I sh...