Rule #21: Don't Celeberate
Holidays are for losers.
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I used to like Christmas.
Before I sent the nudes to Xavier in freshman year, Christmas was fun. James and Melody would bicker over who got to open their presents first while Bettie unwrapped hers before they could finish.
My presents usually consisted of makeup or clothing items. I would gush about the color or the cost for a few minutes, then provide the whole family with an unneeded fashion show.
It was fun.
Of course, that isn't what Christmas is like now.
After the Thanksgiving fiasco, I've been dreading this day for months. So now that the day has finally arrived, I pull the blankets around my head and think of kissing Archer's cheek from yesterday. Of Archer kissing my cheek.
How would it feel if he kissed my lips?
I press my face into my pillow. Even though nobody can see my cheeks flush right now, I still feel the need to hide them.
"Peyton, breakfast is ready!" Mom calls from downstairs. "Come and join the rest of us!"
I ignore her and try to go back to sleep.
I squeeze Charlotte to my chest.
"Don't make me send Melody after you!"
"I have a bucket of water ready!" Adds Melody.
With a little sigh, I push myself off the bed and walk over to the bathroom. Outside my window, a cloudless blue sky greets me.
Nothing about Christmas feels right today. Not even the weather.
The sweet, jolly feeling that used to fill me up during the holiday season is empty. All I feel is dread, which grows heavier as I brush my teeth, comb my hair, put on some Christmas clothes, and walk downstairs.
I meet Melody on the last step. She's carrying a glass of water and looks distraught once she spots me.
"I thought it was supposed to be a bucket," I say, nodding at the glass.
"You were supposed to be asleep."
"I'm not."
"Yeah," She sighs. We both wait a second. "Well, it'd be a shame to let the water go to waste."
She splashes the glass of water in my face.
I splutter. "Melody!"
All I get is a cackle as she runs away. Not to be daunted, I chase after her and lunge right at her as she turns the corner to the family room. All I end up doing is shoving us both into the Christmas Tree, which topples over into the fireplace.
The top of the tree catches on fire.
"Shit," We both say at the same time.
"Quick," I think back to when Archer put out the fire at his house. It feels like forever ago. "We need the top of a metal pot."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Melody snaps. "Help me stomp out the fire."
Together, we march on the top of the branches, across the plastic star that Bettie made in the forth grade. All of us, including Bettie, loathe the piece of trash. But, because grandmother complimented it once, it lies on top of the Christmas tree every year.

Rules of a Rebel
Romance" He kisses my wrist, at the spot where the bruises formed. My heart goes into overdrive, sending hot chills all over my body. I stumble in my tracks, gawking, open-mouthed. 'Something wrong?' Archer asks, a hint of a smirk nudging his lips. I sh...