Rule #5: Violence is the Answer
Rebels Destroy, not Heal
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"Peyton, where are you going?" Mom calls.
I shrug my jacket on. "Archer's house."
Usually, this would be the truth. I've been going over to Archer's house in the last few days, whether it's him teaching me to ride or horse or working on the treehouse together. But today, I'm planning on doing something entirely different.
Lucky's missing.
I've been leaving cat food out in a secluded part under our backyard porch for her every day. It's always been empty by afternoon, but since three days ago, she hasn't touched it. So, today, before all my relatives arrive, is my best chance to go look for her.
"Why don't you take Bettie, then?" Mom suggests. "She hasn't met Archer, yet. I'm sure she'd love to meet him."
Bettie, my cousin who's the same age as me, glances up from her romance book.
Her glazed eyes show that she couldn't be less interested. After all, Melody nearly spent an hour telling our cousins about how ugly and annoying the Raine family were so that Bettie and her twelve-year old sister would stay away from them.
So far, it's been working pretty well.
"No thanks," Cousin Bettie says, letting her silky brown locks fall in front of her face. "I'm not really the social type of girl. I'd prefer to stay inside and read a good book."
Melody smirks from behind her magazine.
"Fine with me," I shrug and leave before she decides to change her mind.
When I slam the door behind me, red and orange leaves brush away from the impact. One of them crunches under my boot as I climb down my steps.
On the days it rains, Lucky comes back dry and unharmed. That must mean she's found a safe place to stay overnight and away from dangerous weather. I've searched the neighborhood the last two days and haven't found any signs. There's only one place left.
I march to the patch of trees behind Archer's house.
If something happened to Lucky, she would either retreat back to her shelter or come to me. She hasn't come to me, because she either won't or can't. I've done nothing in the last few days that would make Lucky lose her trust, so I'm assuming that something happened to her.
So, I need to help her.
There's a couple of new cars in Archer's driveway when I pass it.
That's right. I remember him telling me that some of his cousins were coming today as well. It's the weekend, so most of the family's coming over for Thanksgiving.
I tug my black beanie lower, hoping it covers all my strands, and quicken my pace so that I'll go by unnoticed. Especially since Archer's talking with some his family. He catches my eye, but I duck my head down.
Just ignore him, I tell myself.
But a familiar few barks make me stop and turn around. Buster, white fur and all, comes running him to me.
"Hey cutie," I say, bending down to place a kiss on his head.
Behind him, Archer approaches me.
"Good boy," He tells Buster and crouches down next to me. "What's with the outfit? Are you on a secret spy mission that you can't tell me about?"
I glance at my entirely black outfit, complete with a belt and a first aid kit (just in case). "Something like that. Did you send Buster after me because you knew I couldn't just ignore him?"

Rules of a Rebel
Romance" He kisses my wrist, at the spot where the bruises formed. My heart goes into overdrive, sending hot chills all over my body. I stumble in my tracks, gawking, open-mouthed. 'Something wrong?' Archer asks, a hint of a smirk nudging his lips. I sh...