Rule #34: Don't Be Materialistic
Personal possessions are weaknesses.
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It's a good thing I left Archer room when I did. Mom's about to call security when I tap her on the shoulder. She turns around, angry at first, then bursts into tears the second she sees my face, pulling me into a tight hug. Over her shoulder, I catch a glimpse of Mrs. Raine and Bettie's sour faces.
Mrs. Raine sniffs. "Glad to see you're okay, Peyton. Now that everybody is here, let us go get Archer before he starts to worry."
I think of his face before leave, peacefully asleep, and repress a snort. Bettie, on the other hand, nods eagerly and follows Mrs. Raine to Archer's room. Her unapologetic attitude makes me grit my teeth.
I slam my shoulder against hers as we walk to Archer's room. "Snitch."
"Slut," She replies, looking forward.
"You're pretty cocky for somebody who just caught gossiping."
"You're pretty calm for somebody who just lost their only friend."
My stomach sinks, despite my attempts to not let her words affect me. "Archer's not as judgmental as you. He's not going to stop our friendship just because I've made one mistake in my past."
"One mistake? Who's the one who put him in the hospital in the first place?" Bettie questions and smiles at the guilt that crosses my expression. "Thought so."
She saunters into Archer's room, sitting on his bed as Mrs. Raine wakes him up. A nurse brings him crutches, which Archer refuses to use. Bettie and my mother both try to encourage him, saying that it's only for a while.
I watch the argument unfold, an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.
Never have I hated Bettie as much as today, especially when she's right. With the new information about my past and the fact that I put him in the hospital, he should hate me. I don't see why he hasn't shunned me yet.
Still, as I watch Archer fight with his mom, another warmer emotion rises up in me.
Even after Bettie told him about the nudes, he invited me to sleep with him. And then, he tickled me. My face warms at the memory of the contact, so intimate now that I'm looking back on it.
Archer's eyes catch mine.
I look away.
Eventually a nurse comes in and tells Archer that he's not allowed to leave unless he uses the crutches. So Archer takes them, grumbling about how his cousins will make fun of him.
"If even one of them even tries, I'll slam a fist in their face," I mutter, so low that only Archer can hear.
"My knight in shining armor?" Archer flashes a grin at me.
"It's the least I could do, since I'm the one who got into the crutches in the first place," I shrug, hating how my face grows hot again.
"I'm counting on you to keep me safe, Peyton," Archer jokes and pushes himself up.
Mrs. Raine sniffs again.
After checking out, the five of us - or in Archer's case, limp - to Mrs. Raine's car. Mrs. Raine and my mom sit in the front. Archer, Bettie and I sit in the back, Archer wedged between us. We're so close that I can feel every move that he makes.
Hopefully, he can't feel how fast my heart beats.
What's wrong with me? I think, glaring at my reflection. Two blotchy circles of red stain my cheeks. He tickles you once and suddenly you're a blushing Bettie.

Rules of a Rebel
Romance" He kisses my wrist, at the spot where the bruises formed. My heart goes into overdrive, sending hot chills all over my body. I stumble in my tracks, gawking, open-mouthed. 'Something wrong?' Archer asks, a hint of a smirk nudging his lips. I sh...