Edge of Desire.

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Kso. Chapter thirteen. This is NOT the last chapter. Probably next one is, but I'm not sure. Anyways, I really wanted to write a sexual scene before I end the fic, so here it is!                                                


Lynn’s POV

Argh. These bed sheets felt completely wrong against my skin, it clung to the wrong parts; and ugh, the temperature under these sheets was unbearable. With my eyes still closed, I rolled to the other side of the bed, trying to get comfortable. My eyes were greatly bothered by the bright light I was sensing even behind my closed eyelids. I groaned. The sun could only mean one thing. Time to get up. But even without standing, without even opening my eyes, I could feel that I was tired. I needed more rest. I sighed.

Yeah, I was grumpy in the mornings. The unfortunate witnesses were my family; they knew how I was when they tried to shake me awake in the mornings for school and stuff.

So slowly, I forced my eyelids off my eyes. And just as slowly, my vision came; however it was blurry. Inhaling deeply, I rubbed my eyes. There. That helped my sight clear up.

It slowly came back to me like a drunk regained his memory in the morning. I got really drunk last night, we all did, but the difference was that I was drinking the pain away.

I lifted my head from the pillow to check my phone.

“Good morning beautiful” Jack said, smiling at me.

“Morning.” I replied, half asleep. I sounded bad, was it possible for your voice to crack more than two times in a one word sentence?

Wait, what? Why was Jack here.. in bed.. with me?

Oh, God… What the fuck happened last night?

“What are you doing here?” I asked him, afraid of hearing the answer.

He chuckled under his breath, lightly caressing my hair. “Don’t worry, love. I just woke up a little early and decided to come and see you. Since you were asleep, I decided to wait for you to wake up.” He explained. I let out a sigh of relief, and got off the bed. I felt Jack’s eyes on me as I walked out of bed.

“Gotta admit, I missed watching you sleeping. You look so angelic.” Nice Jack, rub it in, THAT feels good.

“Shut up, Jack, please.”

“And then, you wake up” he laughed.

“Ha ha, very funny” I said sarcastically.

“So, what are we doing today?”

“Whatever you want, friend.” I said that, emphasizing on the word friend.

“I think we should, first of all, grab some food, right?”

“Typical Jack.” I giggled.

“I need to get dressed, though” I gestured him out of the room. He shook his head.

“I’ll help you with that”

….what? I gave him a look.

“No, really, friends help each other, right? And it’s not like I never saw you naked before.” He grinned stunningly, taking my breath away. God, I missed him.

“I don’t need your help” I insisted.

“I’m staying whether you like it or not” Jack was stubborn. And I wasn’t exactly in the mood to argue with him so I sighed in defeat. He smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist, to unbutton my pants. I could tell already this was a bad idea, and the whole staying-faithful-to-Jared plan was coming to end soon. There’s always this sexual tension between me and Jack, and his hands were teasing me. Once he unzipped my pants, he let them go down my legs, and after he turned around to face me, he swiftly took my top off, exposing my bare chest.

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