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Halo readers,

I wanna say thank you for all of you yang udah baca dan vote cerita Choked. This is my first story ever yang pernah aku publish di watty.
But, I need your comment to improve this story guys. No lie, comment dr kalian justru buat author jadi semangat buat lanjutin cerita :)
You can tell me if you like this story and what makes you like it.
Or you can tell me about kekurangan dr cerita ini sendiri. New friends is amazing to me. So ya, let me know who read and like this story. It will make me happy!
Last but not least, do you think that I should continue this story or nah? Pls comment, vote or maybe share this story to your friends.
Thanks for the kindness. Big kiss and hugssss❤

ChokedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang