Chapter Nine

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Nic's POV
The next morning, I woke to the smell of bacon and eggs. I sat up and my stomach immediately growled. Pushing back Addie's covers, I stepped onto the cold floor and made my way downstairs. I padded through the hallway to the kitchen. I could see Josie at the stove; her hips swaying back and forth. It wasn't until she moved to the sink that I saw she had earphones in and her phone under the band of my boxer shorts. I leaned against the doorframe watching her; smiling at her. God she's beautiful. I have no idea whether she heard me late last night telling her that I love her.
She did a twirl. "Shit!" She exclaimed as she saw me. "Jesus, Nic! You can't sneak up on a girl like that!"
I chuckled, "Good morning to you too, Josie." I crossed the kitchen and kissed her cheek. "How did you sleep?"
"Ooh, Nic! You have to tell me where you got that bed! I need one of those for my place in LA!"
My heart stopped inside my chest before continuing again at the sound of LA coming from her mouth.
"You-you're not here permanently, are you?"
She shook her head, "No. Remember when we talked on the phone the other night."
"Well, yeah, but you're here."
"I know."

"I just thought maybe Sam moved you here."
Her head moved back and forth. "Nope. I'm just here for business for a few months. I go back to LA in the spring."
She smiled and her arms found my waist. "Nic?"
I met her gaze, I always get lost in her eyes. "Yes, baby?"
Her cheeks went red, "I'll spend every spare minute with you if that's what you want." Her voice was quiet and she seemed to be staring into my soul.
"Can I kiss you?" I asked suddenly.
She didn't have to say a thing for me to know that's what she wanted me to do. I pressed my lips against hers and we molded together. Without prompt, she jumped and I walked her to the counter and sat her down. Her fingers found their way to my hair and tugged me closer to her. A small moan escaped her throat and I did everything in my power to control myself.
I pulled back, knowing that I'd have to learn to contain myself around her. Her cheeks were red so I kissed them. She giggled.
"You make me feel things I can't explain, Josie. Of course I want you to spend time with me."
Josie smiled. "Good. Now, I don't want to burn this bacon, so how about you go read the paper or something and I'll bring breakfast to you."
"Oh, wow! Marry me woman! You are perfect!" I kissed her lips before departing from the kitchen.


"No.""Yes.""No, Nic.""Yes, Josie!""Absolutely not!"I chuckled, "Well too bad because I'm already halfway there and I'm not going to turn around because you think you look slutty right now. You burned the bacon and I want breakfast, so yes, we are going out for breakfast and no I won't take you to your apartment first."She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "This is embarrassing. You are clean and in fresh clothes while I'm in the clothes I was wearing when I puked on the side of the road.""You look beautiful, baby. I promise.""Oh shut it. I'm still pissed."I pulled into a spot in front of the diner and leaned over the middle console. I pressed my lips against her cheek."Baby, you are beautiful, no matter what you're wearing. Or not wearing."She swatted my arm, "Nicholas James!"I shrugged, "What? I know you're not wearing any panties."She glared. "Hmm, I wonder why!"I pulled them from my pocket and placed them on her leg. "Next time, don't drop them in my hallway on the way to the toilet."She rolled her eyes and shoved them back in my pocket. "Hmm, fine. Keep them. I don't care. This isn't the first time I've gone panty-less in public." She opened the door and climbed out.My eyes went wide and I took a second to compose myself before getting out myself and catching up to her."Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second." I grabbed her arm and turned her around to face me. "Wh-what do you mean by that?"Josie smirked, "You know exactly what I mean, Nic. Besides, I'm still missing that red lacy pair from four years ago." She pulled out of my grip and walked inside.Damn this girl was going to kill me.Josie's POVWhen we arrived at my apartment after breakfast, Nic was quick to follow me in. Something I wasn't expecting, despite everything that has happened in the last twelve hours.We were quiet walking to the elevator. My hand found his and he laced them together. I had really missed spending time with him. I could tell he was nervous, his hands were sweating. Something bothered me though, and I guess as we stepped onto the elevator, I felt like I needed to ask."Um, Nic?""Yeah, love?" The elevator doors shut and I pushed the seventeen button."What are we doing?"He was silent. The elevator was slow moving just like normal. I was almost grateful."Um, I guess I'm not sure.""Oh." My heart sank, but only for a second. His lips were suddenly on mine and my back was pressed against the wall."I don't want to label us, Jos." He said after he pulled back. "I'm comfortable with hanging out, occasionally making out, holding hands, just being together. I don't want to make it into something when we have no idea where we'll be in a few months.""Oh." I said again. "Um, okay then."He stepped back slightly, but kept his eyes on me. I forced myself to look into them even though I knew tears were brimming."Baby?" he mumbled. A tear slid down my cheek but he wiped it away quickly."This is happening fast again, Nic.""I know, Josie. I'm sorry. I-I can leave if you want. Give you some space?"I shook my head quickly, "No, no, no, that's the last thing I want. I just don't want to give this more than will be worth it.""Josie?" He sighed."I gave so much last time, Nic. So much that it took me months to get over you. I couldn't get you out of my head, even though I was upset that you lied. It was a petty reason to leave anyway though I suppose. I just told myself that I wouldn't give a guy that much of my heart again, until I knew it would be worth it. If I leave in the spring and we never speak again, it'll break my heart again and I don't want that.""I don't want that either, Jos. That's why I want to take this a day at a time.""But I don't think that's possible with us." A few more tears slipped and he tried to wipe them away but they came too fast."Baby, please." He begged. "Don't end this before it starts. It will be worth it. I promise." His voice was cracking and I couldn't even look at him without mine doing the same."I can't, Nic. I'm sorry."The elevator dinged at the seventeenth floor. He stepped away from me, holding down the doors open button. I stepped out of the elevator and turned to look at him."I'll see you at the party tonight." I mumbled. "Bye, Nic."The doors began to close. "Bye, Jos."When they were shut, I heard a slam. "God damn it!"More tears left my eyes as I walked to my apartment. The door was unlocked like usual when my roommates were home. I just hoped they were preoccupied so I didn't have to answer twenty questions before I reach my room. But no such luck."Josie! You're home- wait, what happened?" My roommate Nicole got up from the couch and ran over to me. "Jos? What happened?"I shook my head. "It's nothing, Nicole, I'm just tired.""Are you sure? Your eyes are puffy.""Yes!" I snapped, "I'm sure." I moved around her and went into my room shutting the door.I heard voices and a knock on the door as I stood where I was."What happened with Josie?" My other roommate Anna asked."She wouldn't say." Nicole replied.I heard the front door open. "Who are you?" Nicole asked."I'm a friend of Josie's. Is she here?"My heart lurched. Why didn't he just leave?"She's in her room but she's not in a good mood- wait, are you the reason she's crying?""Wh-what? She's still crying?""Yeah.""Well, I didn't mean to, but I guess I could be the reason.""Then, no, you can't see her. I won't allow you to.""Oh, c'mon! It was a misunderstanding! Please!""No, now please leave before I call security."The door shut and I sighed a breath of relief. I plopped down on my bed and tore out the ponytail holder Nic had given me to use. It was Addie's, that was evident, and it was already well used.A few more tears slid down my cheeks. I love Nic, but I don't know if I can be just a temporary thing with him.Nic's POVI slid to the ground outside of the apartment door after her roommate shut it in my face. I want to tell Josie that I love her and I want to be with her. I can't believe I didn't say something two and a half years ago when I saw her. I could have told her then, because I knew it then. I've known it every minute since she drove away from the house in Mullingar that day four years ago.I sat on the floor for an hour before someone stopped in front of me. I stood quickly as a girl eyed me."Who are you?" She asked."Uh, a friend of Josie's. Who are you?""Her roommate, Lexie. What are you doing out here?""Um, well, I kind of made Josie cry earlier, I guess and one of the other girls wouldn't let me in.""Hmm. Well, come in. You're not making any progress with Josie out here."She unlocked the door and opened it, but I didn't follow her in. She turned and looked at me, "Well?"I stepped in and the door closed behind me."Josie!" Lexie yelled. "Get out here!""No!" I heard her yell back."You will come out here right now Josie! Come on! Don't be like this!""I know what you're trying to do, Lex!""I don't care! Come on!"Josie groaned and the door on the back wall opened. She was showered and dressed and her hair dripped on the carpet."Oh, for goodness sakes!" Lexie threw her a towel and she wrapped her hair in it and then let it down again. "Thank you." Lexie walked into another room and closed the door.We were alone."Josie-" I began but she cut me off."No. Stop. I will not be used, Nic. I can't be a temporary thing for you to throw away when you're done with me. You don't want to give us a label at all! You didn't even say 'friends'! You just want to hang out and kiss me whenever you feel like it. How is that anything? Especially after what we had four years ago. It's been an hour and what have you done, Nic? Sit on the floor in the hallway and feel sorry for yourself?""You're roommate wouldn't let me in, Jos. I didn't have much choice."She sighed, "Yeah, Nicole is protective over all of us. Lexie doesn't care much for fighting which is why you're in here right now. Why didn't you just leave?"I walked toward her and even though she backed away, I continued across the room and into hers. I shut the door and leaned against it."I'm going to tell you something and I would love it if you would listen to every word I say and believe it."She nodded."I love you, Josie. I've loved you since I laid eyes on you four and a half years ago! You're so amazing and your smile literally lights up every room you walk into. I love everything about you. I love that you're clumsy; I love that you can't handle your alcohol. I love that I have to hold back your hair sometimes because you refuse to wear a hair band; I love that I know where every single one of your freckles are. I love that I can make your heart race by calling you love or baby. I love that every time you look at me it's like it's that first day again. I love you, Josie."Tears ran down her face and she didn't even try to stop them. She stood frozen against the end of her bed."Jos?"She choked out a breath and sat down on the edge of the bed. "You-you love me?"I nodded. "Yes.""You didn't tell me, even though you knew how I felt about you."I sighed, "God, baby, I know I didn't. I'm sorry.""Did-did you come into the room last night when I was almost asleep and tell me this?" She asked quietly.I nodded. "Yes. You were awake?"She nodded. "Yea, but when I woke up, I couldn't decide whether it was real or I'd imagined it.""It was real." I didn't move until she stood up and took a step toward me. "Josie? What do you want from me? Be honest, okay?""I want you to text me goodmorning and goodnight; I want you to kiss me every time I walk through the door. I want you to laugh at me when I trip over my own feet; I want you to love me even when I'm pissed at you. I want you to take me out with you and introduce me to your friends; I don't want you to hide anything from me. I want to be yours and only yours and I want you to give me a reason to stay when March 2nd gets here.""What should I call you when I introduce you to my friends, Jos?""Your girlfriend."I smiled and pulled her towards me. I lightly kissed her lips. "I think that can be arranged, baby."Her heart began to race. I could feel it."I love you, Josie.""I love you too, Nic."I kissed her again. "Mmm. I taste strawberries."She chuckled and pointed behind her. I glanced and saw a bowl of said fruit on her nightstand."Ah, I should have guessed, miss strawberry shortcake girl."A giggle left her mouth and I couldn't help but kiss her again. "God, I love you so much, Josie. Do you believe that?"My girl nodded and I kissed her one more time."Good. Now, I need to go get ready and get to the venue. I will see you tonight, love.""Okay. See ya.""See ya, baby."I left the apartment and hurried back to my house. If I'm late for this party, Luke will have my head.

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