Chapter Nineteen

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A few days later.
Josie's POV
I turned my head quickly towards the kitchen door and the voice. "Cade? You're back!"
"Yep. How are ya, love?"
I got up and gave him a quick hug. "I'm good! How was your trip?"
"Um, different; but I needed it. How are things with Nicky?"
I chuckled at the nickname, "Um, they're good! Yeah, they're great even!"
His eyes widened, "Really now?" I saw a sly smirk.
"Yeah?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
I rolled my eyes, "How much do you really want to know, you idiot?"
He straightened up a bit, "Um, honestly? Not a lot. Just want to make sure he's still treating you well."
"Of course he is. We're good."
"Good. So? Where is he and the little one?"
I shrugged slightly. "Not sure to be honest. He said he was just picking her up from school. They must have made an extra stop somewhere."
Cade plopped down on one of the stools as I went back to stirring the pasta for the casserole.
"Josie? Can I ask you a question?"
I nodded. "Yeah. Shoot."
"Okay, um, how do you do it?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"How do you just start raising a six year like you've always been around? And before you say you don't do that, let me tell you that you do. I've watched you with Addie and it's like you've always been here. Hell, some days you're better with her than I am."
I turned the noodles onto low and sat down beside him. "Are you going to tell me what this is about?"
"Not yet."
"Okay, well, it's easy really. I just give her all I've got because that's all I can do. You just have to be willing to do whatever it is that she needs at anytime of day. So if she screams out in the middle of the night, you have to go to her and hold her until she's better. If she's hungry, you better feed her. And when she says she wants to play, just get on the damn floor and play with her. Parenting is all about providing every need for the child and never letting them down. The child will eventually trust you with everything they've got. But most importantly, you just love them regardless. Never stop loving them because the second you do, they'll know and that's when they fall apart."
"Wow. You need to write a book!"
I shook my head and laughed, "No I don't. You just need to tell me what this is about. I shared my parenting secrets, now share yours."
"Okay, well, I have a four year old daughter and I've been spending a bit of time with her. That's where I go when I take these trips. Anyway, she asked me if she could come here and live with me. I just feel like I know nothing about being a good parent and I'll let her down."
"Whoa, Cade! That's incredible! I think she should come here."
"You think so?"
"Yeah, I do! I see you with Addie. I think you'll be fine; but if you ever need help, Nic and I are just a phone call away."
"Thanks, Josie."
"It's no problem. So? What's her name?"
"That's adorable. What's the story?"

Nic's POV
I could see Cade's sleek yellow sports car from a mile away. I had no idea he was back today.
"Hey, Ads! Looks like Uncle Cade is here with Josie."
She sat up and began to unbuckle her seat belt.
"You're excited." I commented.
"I missed him Daddy! He's not around a lot."
I chuckled and pulled the car to a stop next to Cade's. "Alright. Go."
She got out and ran inside.
By the time I was inside, Cade and Addie were running up the stairs to her room to go play. Probably with the new toys she got from Josie's old roommates. I walked into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around Josie from behind.
"Oh. Nic!"
"Sorry, love. Didn't mean to scare you. You alright?"
"Yeah. I'm glad you're home."
"Me too. How's Cade doing?"
She turned around in my arms and put hers around my waist. "He's good. Did you know, that your best friend has a daughter of his own?"
I nodded. "I did. He told a week or so ago. He told you?"
She nodded. "Mmhmm. He asked for my parenting advice first, but then he told me."
"Parenting advice, eh?"
"Yep. He told me I should write a book. I told him he was delusional."
"I'm glad he told you. I had no idea how I would have told you otherwise."
"Oh, you probably would have told me the next time you took NyQuil. That stuff makes you talk in your sleep."
"So, I talked with Sam today."
"Again? You talked to him last week too. What's with you guys?"
"He needed some advice as well."
"Is he okay?"
"Yeah, he's alright. But I was wondering if you could pick up Addie tomorrow. She's staying the weekend here, but I need to go see Elise."
Her eyes met mine. I could tell she was worried.
"Jos. Nothing is going to happen. You believe me right?"
She nodded. "Of course. I just want you to be careful, babe."
"I will be. She's going through some stuff right now and I know she doesn't have a lot of friends."
Josie smiled and reached up, kissing my chin. "You're so sweet, Nic. I love that you're there for everyone."
"I love you Josie."
"Love you too. Can you go ask Cade if he'd like to stay for dinner?"
"Sure, love."

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