Chapter Twelve

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Josie's POV
The Monday work day came too soon. I barely remember getting into the cab and telling the driver where to go. I trudged inside and climbed the three sets of stairs to my small office space.
Work started out as normal but around eleven am, my desk phone rang.
"Josie? There's a delivery down here for you."
"What?" I asked the girl from the front desk.
"Yeah, about five foot, eight, brown roots and blonde tips, holding a large bouquet of flowers."
I smiled at the description fitting the boy I dreamt about the night before. "Okay, I'll be right down." I locked my computer and headed to the front desk.
I ran when I saw him. He put the flowers on the desk and outstretched his arms. I ran into them and he picked me up. My legs wrapped around his waist.
"Hey baby."
"Hi." I giggled.
He eventually set me down.
"This is quite the surprise."
He handed me the bouquet. "I was just thinking about you."
I smelled the roses. "Wow, Nic. I don't know what to say."
"Well, how about you take those to your desk and then we can grab lunch."
I met his gaze. "Lunch?"
His face scrunched up. "Uh, yeah. Lunch."
"I-I" I stumbled on the right words to say. "I can't do lunch today, Nic."
"Why not? Does Hughes have you working too hard?"
"Well, I um, I never eat lunch. I never have time to take a lunch."
"You don't eat?!" He asked shocked.
I shook my head.
"Why not, love?"
I shrugged, "I never have, I guess."
"You did when I met you four years ago."
"Those were really just snacks, Nic. I only eat dinner usually."
He pressed his lips onto my forehead and mumbled, "I wish you would eat, baby. Please? Just go for lunch with me right now? I won't make you eat a lot, but you haven't had anything today. You need to have something."
I smiled at his persistence. "Okay, fine. I'll go put these on my desk."
I walked toward the elevator, but instantly knew he was following me. I glanced at him and he caught up to me, grabbing my hand. "What are you doing?"
"I originally came over here to talk to Sam, and then remembered that my beautiful girlfriend works here and that I should surprise her."
I blushed and giggled, "You're so romantic, Nic."
"Eh, I try."
We stepped into the elevator and as soon as the doors were shut, I leaned up and kissed his cheek. "You are the sweetest, Nic."
He chuckled, "Like I said baby, I try."
"You don't even have to try. I woke up this morning to twenty messages from you that you sent last night about how your pillows smell like me and you were thinking about me. I mean, yeah you went as far as to say you got off to the thought of me doing things to you, but you were just so sweet. There aren't many guys like you left in this world, Nic."
He leaned down and kissed my lips. "Well there aren't many girls who would be okay with everything I said either. So I suppose we're even then."
I giggled, "I suppose we are." I kissed him again.
The elevator dinged and the door opened. I stepped out and he was close behind me.
"You do remember which floor Sam is on, don't you?" I asked.
"Yeah, I just want to see your desk."
I rolled my eyes before walking into the kitchen area and grabbing an extra vase from under the sink. I filled it with water and then put the flowers in it.
I took Nic's hand and walked him to my office.
I looked up at Nic as we stepped into my office. "What?"
"It's got a door and there are no glass windows."
I gave him a look and set the flower vase on the desk. "Uh, yeah."
Suddenly the door closed and his arms wrapped around my waist. "My office is open, with a glass door and see-through windows."
"Ha." I laughed. "Looks like I have the better office then."
"That you do, love."
His lips were on mine and before I knew it, I was seated on my desk with him standing in between my legs. I moaned quietly as our tongues danced inside my mouth. Nic's arms pulled me to the edge of the desk and I felt his hard-on pressed against my stomach. His lips moved down my neck to my collarbone.
"Josie, I-" He paused but kept leaving small kisses on my bare shoulder.
"What, Nic?"
He pressed into me harder but all I could think about was knowing he won't do anything.
"Nic?" I pushed him to finish his sentence.
He groaned quietly and pressed his lips to mine again. He was a bit rougher but I wasn't complaining. My fingers tugged at the long ends of his brown hair. He groaned again. I decided a little bit of fun wouldn't hurt anybody so I tugged again.

Nic's POV
I suddenly couldn't resist it anymore. The third time she tugged on the ends of my hair, I pulled back just enough to put a hand in between her legs. As I kissed her lips, my hand inched up her thigh to where her panties were. They were lace; that much I could tell, but I pushed them aside and brushed the tips of my fingers over her center.
She gasped. "Nic!" She put one of her hands over her mouth. I kissed her neck as I teased her with my fingers. She moaned quietly. "Fucking hell, Nic."
I chuckled and pushed a finger in just a bit and then pulled it out. "Wow, Jos. You're-"
She swatted my arm with her free hand and mumbled. "Don't say it. Just finish." Her voice was strong and hot.
"Mmm, don't have to tell me twice baby." I pushed two fingers in and her body reacted exactly as I'd remembered. I pushed them in and out as she rolled her hips forward and back against them.
"Fuck." She muttered. I met her eyes with mine and moved faster. I loved watching her not be able to be in control. "Nic."
"Nic." She whined quietly.
I went faster, knowing she was close.
"Come on, baby. You're almost there."
"Gah, fuck."
She moaned quietly as she came on my fingers. I pulled them out and grabbed a tissue from her desk. I stepped back and let her compose herself.
Her eyes seemed to be glazed over in euphoria. I smiled and leaned forward, giving her a short kiss. "You okay, baby?"
She nodded and looked at me, "Yes." She seemed out of breath.
"You sure?"
She nodded again and jumped down from the desk. "Yeah." She let out a breath and fixed her skirt. "Well, now I know why you like my office so much."
I rolled my eyes. "Don't do that. I like it, yes, but I like you much more. Now I just know that no one will see or hear us if I ever decide to drop by again."
She swatted at me but I backed out of the way.
"Come on, baby. I have to go talk to Sam and then we can go get lunch."
She gasped as we walked back to the elevator. "You want to eat lunch after that?"
I nodded, "Well, yeah. I'm still hungry." We stepped in and I pressed the button for the top floor. "Fingering you on your desk, if anything, got me more frustrated, I need food now."
She giggled and leaned into me, wrapping her arms around me. "I do love you, Nic."
"Oh, I love you too, babe."
We let go of one another, but held hands as the elevator reached the top floor. I pulled her close beside me and walked into Sam's office.
"Well, well, well, the man of the hour finally decided to show up!" Sam said as he stood.
I looked around the long conference table and nodded at everyone. "Good morning, all."
I got a few greetings in return. I glanced at Josie who stood in shock, probably at the people present.
I shook Sam's hand with my free hand and gestured Josie to the table. She was still in shock as we sat, but soon the conversations began again as people continued to eat. I looked over at her and smiled. "Didn't think you'd be eating lunch here did ya?"
She shook her head, "No, I didn't. What are we doing up here?"
"Sam invited us to lunch."
"Why didn't you just tell me?"
I shrugged, "Didn't know how comfortable you'd be."
I looked around and spotted Elise staring at us across the table. I nodded. She politely nodded back but I could sense something between Elise and Josie.
The plates were pre-made with the first serving so I began to eat. Josie ate a bit of everything, but ate slowly. Eventually Sam and Cade got her in on a conversation as I spoke to Luke who was on the other side of me.
"Hey," He's the kind of switching topics, "So Cade tells me you took one of his tabby cats."
I nodded and rolled my eyes, "Yeah, the damn thing wouldn't let go of my child. I didn't have much of a choice."
Luke laughed, "Well, at least Addie will have a friend to play with while you and Josie are playing too." He winked.
I nudged him, sending his fork to the floor. "That's what you get for saying such disgusting things. Why would I do that with my child awake? That's absurd." I said lowly.
"It's absurd for her to begin with. Cade said you're worried how to approach Addie with the idea of Josie."
"Well, yeah. Wouldn't you worry a bit? I mean, with El and Sam, they were just together when El came back, so we didn't have to explain much. But all Addie knows is her Dad being single. I don't know what to say."
"You could just be honest and tell her that you like Josie and you want her to get to know Josie. Then maybe tell her that you and Josie are like Sam and El. You love each other and you want to be together. She's older now, Nic. She may not think much of it for awhile. Addie is one of the smartest little girls I know."
"Yeah, you don't have to tell me that. I know. She thinks she's smarter than me most days."
"Don't worry about what Addie will think. Just love both of them the way you know how."
"Thanks for the pep talk, mate. You and Cade should be therapists."
Cade scoffed, "I heard that, James, and I disagree."
We laughed and continued conversations for the next hour.

I could tell Josie was getting a bit uncomfortable so I excused us and we left a bit early. When we were inside the elevator, she suddenly pulled the alarm and the elevator stopped.
"Wh-what are you doing?" I asked.
"Never, ever, do that to me again, Nic! What were you thinking?! I probably looked like an idiot in front of all of my bosses! They'll probably fire me tomorrow!"
"They won't fire you, love. I promise you that Sam invited me to the luncheon and told me to bring you along. Of course, he wouldn't tell me where your office is, so I decided flowers for my girl would do the trick."
"So you admit that you tricked me."
I sighed, "Okay, so I probably could have planned this a bit better, but-"
"No, Nic! No buts! You brought me flowers, fingered me in my office and then took me to my boss's office for lunch?! Are you out of your mind?"
I just looked at her. "No."
"Nic! You can't do that!"
I shrugged, "Why not? You're my girl and I'm not ashamed of that!"
"That's not the point!"
"Then what is the point, Josie?"
"Do you think this is going too fast?"
I sighed, "Not this again, Jos."
"Come on, Nic! This is a serious thing! I have never done anything like what we did in my office before in my entire life."
"You're saying you've never made out with anyone in public before?"
"Only you, four years ago." She said shyly.
"You- wait. Have you been with anyone since then?"
Her eyes met mine. She was silent.
She sighed, "No, I haven't. I mean, I kissed a couple guys, I've gone on dates and dated, but I haven't- ya know."
My eyes widened, and I ran my fingers through my hair. "Gosh." I hesitated, before wrapping my arms around her waist, and pulling her close. "If you're uncomfortable doing anything you have to tell me, Jos. If I'd known-"
"If you'd known? Nic! You've barely touched me in three days! This morning, in my office, that's the MOST you've touched me in four years! I loved it! I honestly, truly did! I just wasn't expecting to have lunch with my boss ten minutes after that!"
"Oh." I sighed. "Well, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to overwhelm you."
"Nic, I want to be with you. Trust me, I do. But we have a lot to work on before we can just do the first thing that pops into your head."
"I love you so much." I cut her off. "I'm willing to do whatever it is that we have to do to make this work."
"You really mean that?"
I nodded.
"So if I told you that I don't want you to walk me to my office, you're okay with that?"
"Uh, well yeah, I mean if that's what you want."
"Okay." She pulled the alarm back out and the elevator continued down to her office floor.
When it dinged, I gave her another quick kiss. "Have a good day. Are you still coming over for dinner?"
Josie smiled and nodded, "Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

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