Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Sunny Taylor

            I woke up to someone poking me and saying my name. I recognized the cheery voice and my eyes shot open to see Olivia peering down at me happily. While she looked happy, Blake stood behind her looking worried sick and Trevor was looking worried but also tired… Almost like he hadn’t slept in a while.

She grinned and clapped her hands together, saying, “Thank goodness we found you! Why on earth are you sleeping out here? Oh, give me a hug!”

She scooped me up into a hug and I went rigid, not happy with her touching me. Blake cleared his throat to get her to move, as if he sensed what I was feeling. He kneeled down and looked at me, putting his hand under my chin and tipping my head sideways, as if he was examining my neck. Vampire much?

He nodded in approval and grabbed my hands, pulling me up. I finally managed to say, “Where the hell were you guys? Everyone disappeared! It was so freaky!”

They all exchanged looks before Olivia said, “Well, I don’t know about all of them, but I was visiting my Grandma. She is dying.”

I felt bad for getting worked up at her, but not the other two. Blake came back then mysteriously disappeared again! Not cool. Trevor said, “I was looking at colleges. But the trip got cut short because of a… Storm.”

I shook my head. It was fall, not many storms anywhere close enough to drive to in that amount of time. I looked at Blake expectedly and he slowly said, “I, uh, was visiting my… Cousins. But I came back to pick up a… Present for one of them.”

I groaned at the bullshit that was before me. They all just happened to be doing these things… in the same amount of time…

I finally told them, “No, you are all lying to me and I know it! Now, tell me where you really were or I am leaving?”

They all exchanged nervous glances and my stomach began to get sick. I felt the nerves myself. I was so afraid of what they were going to say.

Blake sighed before looking at me worriedly. I could see it in his eyes.

He was torn.

He knew they were lying, and wanted to tell the truth, but something, fear maybe? Something was keeping him from doing it.

And I wasn’t going to put up with that.

Blake said, “We are telling the truth. That is where we were. Please, Sunny, believe us. We are sorry we left you without saying anything.”

I shook my head and let out a humorless laugh before saying, “I can't believe this. It was too good to be true. I thought that in my first week of school, I had made a group of awesome friends who I could be myself with, and I could actually trust. Which is hard for me. But turns out y’all are a bunch of liars, just like the rest of the world.”

Blake took a step towards me, pleading with his eyes as well as his words when he said, “Sunny, wait-“

I put my hand up, cutting him off. I don’t know where the confidence came from, but I said, “Cut the bullshit. I am out of here.”

I bolted away, hearing him yell after me. I knew that if he wanted to chase me, he could probably easily catch up, but I figured one of the other two stopped him.

I felt the dirt beneath my bare feet. Apparently I had lost my shoes the previous night. I felt tears stream down my face, my messy hair flying in the wind I was creating. I ran for what felt like forever, but was probably only ten minutes. Finally, I arrived home.

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