Chapter 19

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Three weeks later
I get up from my bed I haven't bed sleeping good recently. Matthew opens his eyes,"Can't sleep?" I shake my head, Matthew asked me out two weeks ago. Alex's mom is letting him stay here since he's the father of my pup. We don't know the gender yet but I should be having it soon. I walk to the door and through the dog door. Oh we got dog doors installed since I can't open the doors like this. I walk into Alex's room and see she's skyping someone. She didn't hear me come in so I go and sit beside her bed. She's been skyping this guy every night for a week. I look at her laptop it's only 1 am. I look at the guy. It's one of Matthews friends from school he sits with us but he doesn't talk to me. We got out of school for the summer last week. I couldn't really go to school as a wolf so I've been staying home alone, because Matthew still had to go. I listened to there conversation. I'm not sure if he likes her or not but his name is Dylan. She definitely likes him from the way she's looking at her screen. He is shirtless on the other end and Alex is almost drooling. Her leg is hanging off the bed so I go nudge her. She looks down at me and says,"Can't sleep?" I shake my head and put it in her lap. I forgot about Dylan. "Is that a wolf?" He asks her. She nods and says,"Yea she's my pet wolf." I growl at her I'm not her pet. "She doesn't seem to like being called your pet," Alex picks me up and sets me on the bed next to her,"Shes just a little moody from her pregnancy." Dylan perks up,"She's pregnant you say can I have her pup?" I growl at him. Alex says,"We're not giving her pup away." Dylan looks at her sad,"That's a shame because I've always wanted a wolf pup and she's such a beautiful wolf her pup would look just as beautiful as her." I can tell he doesn't care about me or my pup. He only cares about himself. I glare at the screen and shooting pains go through me. I whine and look at Alex. She's busy staring at Dylan's abs. I nudge her and whine as another spasm occurs. She looks at me and ends the call. Matthew runs in here,"What's wrong Sil?" Alex says,"She's having your pup can you set her on the floor for me?" He picks me up and sets me on the towels that she laid on the floor for this moment. I whine as another spasm rolls through me. Alex says,"Matthew go outside and get her a stick." He doesn't question her and runs downstairs. Another spasm rolls through me this one more painful than the last. I whine and Alex says,"It's ok Sil Matthews getting you a stick to bite down on." I'm sorry the pains only gonna get worse. Matthew runs back in the door with a stick. "Put it in her mouth," Alex's commands. He gets on his knees and puts the stick in my mouth as another spasm rolls through me. This time I bite down on the stick. Alex looks at me and says,"Ok Sil now that you have a stick your going to have to push when the next spasm rolls through you." I nod as another spasm rolls through this time I push it hurts worse but I can feel where the pup is. Alex puts her hand on me and says,"Alright one more push and it should be out." Matthew looks at me pets my head,"Your doing great babe just one more." As he's saying that the last spasm rolls through me and I push with the last of my energy. I feel the pup slid out of me. Alex grabs it and rubs it with a towel until I hear a tiny bark come out of its mouth. She sets it down next to my stomach it starts sucking for food. I can barely keep my eyes open. Matthew says,"It's beautiful Sil just like you." I smile and fall asleep after he says this.

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