Chapter 1//Break ups

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Marinette's POV

i wake up to a tap on the shoulder. i open up my eyes and see Tikki. "Marinette, you're gonna be late!" she says. i quickly get changed and grab my bag with my books and homework form the night before and run downstairs. There's no time to make breakfast so i grab and apple and i run to school. 

By that time i get to school, i am done my "breakfast" and i throw in the garbage. (how did i do that. i don't know i'm a fast eater). 

Luckily the bell doesn't ring until another two minutes so i'm good. i walk towards Alya but i run into someone. I fall on the ground and all i hear is Chloe laughing. 

I look up and see a  hand. I take it. "You okay?" a voice asks. "yeah" i reply. the person pulls me up. i lock eyes with the person. it was Adrien!  "hey" i say. "Hey Marinette uh how's a going?" he asks. "um i'm good" in reply. "Cool" he replies. The bell rings. "see you later" he says, waving. 

Omg i could not be more happy right now! Adrien talked to me, and i said actual words to him! Then again we sorta have had actual conversations. Like when we needed to train for the gaming tournament and when i needed help speaking Chinese. 

I enter class and i could not stop smiling. Alya elbows me. That snaps me out of it. 

(Time Jump)

School is almost done for the day. I'm pretty sure the whole day was spend daydreaming about Adrien. 

As i am finishing up some work, i feel a tap on the shoulder. it's from Adrien! "hey" i whisper. "hey i have something to do at Kim's house today after school but i was wondering if you can come too and we can do homework?" he wonders. "Sure" i reply. "Great, do you know the place?" he asks. "Well not really" i say. he chuckles. "that's fine, i'll walk you" he decides. "Ok" i agree. The bell rings. 

I go to my locker and put my history and math binders in my bag. those are the only classes i have homework for. 

i meet Adrien outside the school. "ready?" he asks. "Sure" i reply. He takes my hand. I am screaming inside. 

We get to Kim's house which for some reason, it wasn't that far from the school. When we get in, Kim is playing Call of Duty Blackcops two. "hey Adrien, hey Marinette" he says as we enter. He puts the game on pause. We stares at me. "Um Adrien, i don't mean to be rude, but why is Marinette here?" he asks. "well, we have to hook up the new console but i thought me and Marinette and i could do homework together and so i took her here" he clears up. "okay then" Kim decides. 

I helped the boys set up the new gaming console. It was easy...well for me. the boys ere okay...i think. All of a sudden, the doorbell rang. Kim ran to get the door. Standing there was Sabrina. "hey babe!" he exclaims. Sabrina and Kim hug and kiss!? "Marinette?" Adrien asks. "yeah" i reply. "are you okay?" he asks. "Well, i never knew Kim and Sabrina were going out" i said. "They've been going out for six months! How did you not know?" he asks. "I really don't know" i reply. 

"Well, while you two are doing your stuff, we'll go do homework" Adrien decides. We go into the dining room and open up our binders. 

Kim's POV

Sabrina sits down on the couch. "wanna watch a movie?" i ask. "Sure" Sabrina agrees. I turn on a nice romantic comedy. Sabrina tries to cuddle and so do i. 

Soon i start to get hungry. "Sabrina, go to Subways and get me a turkey sandwich" i order. "I don't want to" Sabrina says. i slap her. i slap her so hard, there is a red mark on her face that looks like my hand. "you disrespectin me?" i ask. "Go!" i demand. Sabrina gets up with her eyes sparkling tears and walks to the front door. 

Adrien's POV

"What did you get for number nine?" Marinette asks. "two point seven" i answer. "Same" she replies. "All of a sudden, i hear crying noises. "hold on" i tell Marinette. 

i walk outside the dining room and see Sabrina crying as she runs towards the front door. Something is going on i say to myself. 

I walk over to Kim who is still in the living room watching some movie. "um Kim, where's Sabrina going?" i ask. "Oh she's going to Subways" he replies. "then why is she crying?" i ask. "Plus i think she's leaving-" "Oh yeah she is! i need to remind her to get to remind her to get the chips!" he exclaims, cutting me off of my sentence. 

Third person POV

Kim ran to the door to see Sabrina about to leave. "Sabrina, make sure you get the chips and my sandwich from Subways" he reminds her. "you can get your own damn food cause i'm leaving you!" she snaps. "Wait what?" he asks. "Bye!" she yells and slams the door in his face. "Screw her!" Kim yells. " i don't need her anyway, all i need is ma Xbox and that's it! Who even needs girls?" 

Kim went back to the living room and turned on the Xbox. He had already bought Call of Duty for the Xbox so he was okay. He started to play the game. 

Adrien came back in the living room. "hey Kim, what was that all about?" he asks. "Oh, Sabrina decided to leave cause she can't take a hit" Kim replies. Adrien was shocked. "A hit? Wait you hit her?" Adrien asks. "Oh yeah man i hit her!" "But why?" Adrien asks. "cause she didn't go get me a sandwich from Subways" Kim replies. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" Adrien asks. "Oh yeah man i'm fine" Kim replies. Marinette came out of the dinning room, a bit confused. "Um Adrien?" she starts. Adrien turned his head and looked at her. "Oh yeah, i just needed to help Kim with something" he replies. "Did you find out about those crying noises?" Marinette asks. "yeah just the show they are watching" he lies. 

Adrien hated lying but he did it most of the time. Plus Marinette didn't really need to know what happened. "Well we should probably get back to our homework" Adrien decides. They walk back into the dining room.

hey raccoons Leia here! So this is my first Miraculous Ladybug fan fic so don't jude me. this opening was supposed to start off a little crazy and full of humour. 

Anyway, don't forget to vote, comment, fallow if you have not done so already, and check out my other works. C u later raccoons! luv leiakatniss21

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