Chapter 2//Fixing Relationships

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Marinette's POV

It's been two weeks and Adrien and I have been hanging out. Also, it's been two weeks since I developed some new feelings. I can't like two boys at the same time though. Can I?

Final period of the day and I have drama . "Alright, I will be choosing your partners for this assignment" the teacher decides. "Kim, Adrien and Marinette." I am happy but shocked at the same time! A project with *sigh* Adrien.

The bell rings and we leave class. Adrien and Kim stop me on the way out. "So you wanna work at my place tonight?" Kim asks. "Sure" I decide.

I put my books in my locker. When I close my locker, Adrien and Kim are waiting for me. Kim and I wait so Adrien can tell Nathalie that he has a project to work on at Kim's house. My parents don't care. But I can always call them when I get to Kim's place. We walk to Kim's place since it wasn't that far.

"Kim do you have a printer?" I ask as we enter the house. "Yeah it's in the office why?" "We have to print out the online scripts" I reply. "Well Marinette and I can do that" Adrien decides. I am able to keep my squealing inside and not outside.

Adrien and I go to the office and print out the scripts. As we do this, Adrien and I start to talk about video games and superheroes. What? I'm into guy stuff. Don't judge me!

That leads us into talking about Ladybug and Chat Noir. "So, do you think Chat Noir is cute?" Adrien asks in a more flirty voice. "Well a little bit yeah" I reply, blushing. "What about Ladybug?" I ask. "Yeah, she's awesome and pretty" he replies. His checks are burning red. We both smile and laugh it off.

We exit the office and back into the living room. When we enter, we see Kim crying. "Kim are you okay?" Adrien asks. "I want Sabrina back!" He yells. I couldn't really understand him at first though. "Well you said you didn't care" Adrien points out. "No no I want her back!" He yells. "Well how about we ask Marinette what we should do?" Adrien suggests. "What?" I ask. "Well Marinette, what should Kim do to get his girlfriend back after he HIT her?" Adrien asks. My mind has officially been blown. My eyes widen. "YOU HIT HER?!" I ask in a yelling tone.

"Uh huh" Kim replies, choking on tears. "How hard?" I ask. "Really hard! Hard like if you got hit in the head with a medicine ball" he replies. Well he might have been exaggerated there but maybe around that kinda hard.

"Well try apologizing" I suggest. "Why would I do that?" He asks. "She refused to get me my food from Subways!" He reminds us. "Just tell her that you're sorry that you hit her and that you won't hit her again" Adrien says. "How about, you should be sorry that you didn't get me my food from subways and I will hit you again if you refuse like that again?" He asks. Adrien and I shake our heads.
"How about we practice the play and this will all blow over" Adrien suggests. Kim and I agree.

(Time Jump)
Kim's POV

It was around 5 and we went over our play countless times. So it was time for Marinette and Adrien to leave of corse. Since tomorrow is Saturday, we're gonna go over to Marinette's house and practice.
When they left, I was still in depression about Sabrina

Hackmoth's POV

I start feeling negative emotions in someone. Why this person just happens to be Dark Cupid. I fold my hands over a butterfly and it becomes an akuma. It flies off and lands in a piece of paper this kid is holding. "Dark Cupid, you are back. This time you will not fail and you will get me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous" I order.

Hey raccoons Leia here. So Dark Cupid is back. To be honest, Dark Cupid is one of my favourite Akumatized villains besides, Lady Wifi, Stormy Weather and Volpina.

So don't forget to vote comment, fallow if you have not done so already, and check out my other works.

C u later raccoons! Luv leiakatniss21

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