Chapter 7//You're Loosing your memory

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Third Person POV

A girl who went by Ski roamed the halls of another high school in Paris. She wasn't too new but did get bullied. a lot. "Amnesia girl" everyone teased. They would throw paper, food and other things at her. The main reason she would get teased was because she had amnesia a while ago. Today it went too far.

She was walking down the halls to her locker. Then a boy slammed her locker door closed. "What do you want?" Ski asked. "Do you not remember why i'm here?" he asked. He starting chuckling to himself. Ski growled in anger.

Then more people came and started to crack jokes like that. Ski continued to growl in anger. She threw her books down on the ground, punched the boy and yelled: "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT FEELED LIKE AND YOU SHOULD!" She opened her locker and stuffed all her stuff in there, grabbed her backpack and ran out the door.

She sat down on the steps of the school and started to burst into tears and mumbled, "they will never know what it feels like to have amnesia."

Then Hawkmoth started to take notice. "Poor girl, such negative emotions. Bulling, perfect prey for my little akuma" he said as he cuffed his hands over a little white butterfly turning it purple with specs of black. "Fly away my little akuma and darken this poor girl's heart ."

The akuma flew into a bracelet Ski was wearing. She looked up at the sky. "Mind Eraser, i am Hawkmoth. I give you the power to erase minds so the people who bullied you know how it feels. The only thing i ask for are the miraculouses of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Can you do that?" he explained. "Sure Hawkmoth" Ski replied. She stood up and a black and purple cloud surround her.

When the cloud disappeared, she had a new look:

When the cloud disappeared, she had a new look:

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She smirked and ran towards the school bullies. They were gossiping about Ski again. She growled with anger again. She touched her bracelet and blue sparks started to come out of her fingers. She focused on the bullies and zapped them. they all fell to the ground and they rubbed their heads. "Where am i? Who am i?" they asked. Minds Eraser cackled with delight and went off to find more victims.

Meanwhile, Adrien and Marinette were still having their movie marathon. The they heard lighting sounds and people screaming. "Paris is in danger again my lady!" Adrien exclaimed. "Tikki spots on!" Mari yelled. "Plagg claws out!" Adrien shouted. In a matter of seconds, both had transformed into their alter egos, Ladybug and Chat Noir.

They ran out the door and into the city. people were getting zapped. "Who is this guy?" Chat asked. "That guy is a girl" a voice cleared up. The duo turned around and spotted Mind Eraser. She tried to zap them but they dogged it.

She ended up hitting a random citizen. Ladybug jumped down to see if he was okay. She held this man in her arms. When he opened his eyes, he started at Ladybug in a weird way. "Who are you?" he asked. "What are you talking about?" she asked. "I'm Ladybug." "What's a ladybug?" he asked. She brought him into the Palace and she returned to the fight.

Chat Noir was managing fine on his own. He didn't get zapped. "her powers are erasing people's memories" Ladybug said. "Well now we need too be extra carful" Chat Noir pointed out. They ran to try and catch her but they almost got zapped.

Mind Eraser escaped the fight and ran to somewhere else. Or so they thought. "Should we use our powers?" Chat asked. "It's best we do" Ladybug replied. Before she coule yell "Lucky Charm!" she got zapped. "NOOOO!" Chat yelled. When Lady bug collapsed, her yoyo flew out out of her hands. Chat got an idea.

"Cataclysm!" he yelled. He touched the ground and it broke, making Mind Eraser hang on with one hand, the hand with the bracelet. Chat grabbed the bracelet and zapped it. he grabbed Ladybug's yoyo and captured the akuma. He set the little white butterfly free. the only problem was almost everyone has amnesia and there is nothing he can do about it.

He ran to Ladybug and lifted her in his arms. "My Lady?" he asked. Ladybug's beautiful blue bell eyes fluttered open. She stared at Chat Noir in a weird way. "Who are you?"

DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!

Hey raccoons Leia here. Sorry for the cliff hanger but ya know have to. I bet ya'll didn't see this coming eh? Yep i beat on it.

Don't forget to vote, comment, share and cheek out my other works. C u later raccoons! luv leiakatniss21

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