Hard Truth...

59 1 4


"Jame." Called a voice, "Jame!" It yelled out again. Where are you? I thought reaching out towards the voice, but my hand only met the air. The voice was soft but loud... I knew this voice but I can't seem to place it... A warm sensation set on my cheeks and I knew that feeling... I've felt it before...

"Open your eyes..." Said the voice. So I did. I gasped in horror as I saw Leena on the floor bleeding from her throat and Chris standing over her smirking holding something in his hand. Shiny and bloody, my eyes widened when I soon realized it was a knife. I screamed out and fought to get up, but found myself stuck to the bed. Tears welled up in my eyes and fell,

"Please!" I screamed out "don't." Chris pointed the knife to Leena and turned around and knelt down stroking her hair softly then mumbled something, leaned down and kissed her then raised the knife.

"CHRIS!" I screamed loudly, he turned his head around and laughed then said...

"She's dead." And stabbed her.

My body jerked and I quickly sat up gasping for air looking around on the floor and soon realized it was all a dream... I looked over and seen Leena sleeping with a smile on her face. A smile rose up on my face also and I hesitantly brought my hand through her hair lacing it through my fingers and slowly taking it out then did the same again. God she's beautiful... I thought to myself, then I looked over to the time it was three in the morning. I sighed and slowly got up walking quietly to the door opening it and looking back one more time and closed the door.


My eyes opened and I let out a deep sigh, slowly sitting up made my body jerk in pain I winced and tried again then got off completely from the bed. My muscles ached badly as I moved one leg after another, when I opened the door slowly I began to hear laughter and conversations come from downstairs.

"Nothings better than that Jame really!" Laughed Chris,

"We should do that again sometime maybe get back that side we lost a long time ago..." He said finally calming down from laughing. I walked hesitantly to a way where I'm just close enough but far away.

"So how's Leena?" Asked Chris. My body froze in place. Silence took place downstairs my heart pounded against my chest,

"She's alright..." Jame answered after a long time. I heard the chair squeak against the floor and footsteps to the kitchen then back again and the same sound of the chair and a deep sigh. "They're still looking for us... Do you have any idea who she is?" Jame started to sound worried. My curiosity started to get the best of me, but I was cautious...

"She's a girl you like a-"

"She's the daughter of the parents we killed!" The chair squeaked and fell I jumped and yelped. Suddenly it got silent... Footsteps approached the stairs and James's eyes widened and he started to run upstairs and I screamed and ran but he jumped and grabbed my ankle then I fell helplessly against the ground,

"Please!" I screamed "let me go! I hate you!" His grip on my ankle tightened and he pulled me to him, he laid on me and pinned my wrists down. My screaming became more loud and my sobs became violent crying.

"LISTEN!" He shouted, but my screams and cried didn't stop. Suddenly I received a sting across my face my eyes widened and I growled and struggled to take my wrists away from his grip, but kept failing. Hot tears streamed down my face and my whining silenced. He breathed heavily and sighed,

"I'm sorry..." He said finally.

"Let me go..." I managed to choke out

"No! We can't risk you going to the police!" He growled and raised his hand up I flinched and shut my eyes tightly, but didn't feel anything. I suddenly felt something fall on my face, I opened one eye to see what it was and it was Jame crying,

"We didn't know... Your father killed my parents in an accident and left them stranded and dying...in front of me..." He said sobbing. His grip loosened and I put my hand behind his head.


"Shut up!" He screamed. He grabbed my arms again and pulled me up dragging me to his room and throwing me onto the bed and grabbed the rope then the syringe and filled it up with a green liquid and came to me. Suddenly I panicked and struggled against his grip crying and whining and he pulled my neck to the side and stuck the needle there. My body froze paralyzed and I continued to whine screaming, but that soon stopped. Jame pulled the ropes tightly around my wrists and got off and smiled.

"Sweet dreams."


I got off and everything fell silent,

"Sweet dreams." I said and turned around.

"I...h-hate y-y-you..." She said hoarsely and her head fell back. Tears welled up in my eyes, don't worry... I'll let you go... I thought and closed the door. I frowned and smirked. When your dead... And walked away downstairs.

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