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The silent night approached me as I laid awake on my cold bed, my mind wandered to Leena. God how much I miss her... My mind made a picture of us together with no distractions and no heartbreak. Tears stung my eyes and rolled down my cheek as I thought about her, Chris did this. He made her suffer, scared, hurt... I'm just glad he won't be making her scared no more. No one will. Tomorrow the detectives will speak to me and I feel uneasy because I know that I've done things...and I can't lie. Leena tried to lie for me, but the dectectives won't believe it and that they want to speak to me. My hands started to shake as my mind wandered deep into that then I pushed it aside. Finally I got up and started to put on my clothes and I went out of my room downstairs and grabbed my car keys.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I drove to the hospital. I hope she's okay... I said in my mind thinking that she is... I got out of my car and reporters flooded around me speaking over each other handing me all of their microphones for me to speak into then the crowd dies down.

"Sir, how do you feel about the awakence of Leena Young?" One woman hurriedly said. I froze. She's awake? My heart started to race and a sudden child like smile played across my face. Then I began to run into the hospital,

"Sir? Sir!" The reporters screamed after me to come back and answer the question, but I ignored it. I slowed down with a smile to the nurse and she returned the smile.

"Why aren't you happy." She said stating the obvious.

"Is Leena awake?" I asked, her smile faded and she bit her lip.

"Room 103 down the hall to the right." She said I thanked her and started to walk fast paced to the room, I opened her door and seen her laid down looking to the window. I closed the door behind me softly and walked to her then kneeled down,

"Leena." I said smiling. My heart crashed again my chest each time I say her name. Her body shifted and her eyes lit up

"J-Jame?" She studdered, god how I missed her voice. She put out her arms and I grabbed her and pulled her up to my chest. Her little hand grabbed my shirt and she tightly gripped it while she buried her face on my chest staying silent letting out shaky breaths. So did I. "I'm here." She said softly almost to a whisper. Tears rolled down my cheeks and so did she.

"I'll never let you go..." I said tightening my grip on her. She did the same.

"Neither will I..." I laid down and set her next to me, but I shifted my body facing her and I smiled. She suddenly leaned in and kissed me softly. A sudden spark between us gave us both chills down our spine, a sudden fire spark to every passionate touch. I love her...

I woke up with her holding on to me tightly. A smile grew on my face and a soft smile appeared on hers. How much I missed that smile. The door opened slowly and I quickly shut my eyes holding on to Leena and I buried my face on the pillow. Soft footsteps approached the bed, a woman's footsteps then another soft footsteps walked in and another. Four women.

"See I told you he never left." A soft voice said.

"Maybe we should wake him up. He's maybe disturbing her." No. No I'm not.

"No, don't you dare. This guy hasn't seen her in seven months since she woke up from her coma. I think we should give him time. He got out a month ago so let him be..." A woman said. Thank you.

"So she's right...she does love him..." The last women said walking away. Soon they all did. The door shut quietly then I opened my eyes. She...she loves me? I couldn't believe it... Suddenly Leena opened her eyes and smiled then kissed me. I returned the kiss and smiled.

"I love you too."


He got up from the bed and sighed.

"I got to go back to my house." He told me quietly. I whimpered and held my arms out,

"Take me with you.." I whine getting up. Jame rushed to me and sat me back down.

"I need to talk to the detectives. That's why you can't go and another thing is because you haven't been discharged from this hospital so if I did take you, you and I would be in serious trouble Leena." I sighed and then laid back down surrendering another word of disagreement. My eyes close and I grabbed arm gently. He smiled softly and leaned down,

"I love you..." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you too..." I whispered back and he kissed me softly I returned the kiss and he pulled away. I wish he would of never pulled away... I miss his soft warm lips meeting mine... He stroked my hair then turned around, but gave me one last look then closed the door.


My door was unlocked when I went to my door. My legs froze and I frowned.
"You have no right to be in my house without my say so." I growled, but when I came in the decectives sat in their places looking at me with a sickening smirk.

"We do...we are second authority here." One said and chuckled,

"Sit down...we need to talk. About you...and that beautiful precious girl that's in the hospital a few miles away...now." The other said looking at me deep into my eyes and frowned, but stayed with that sickening smirk. "You need to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Other wise...say goodbye to your girl back there. She's in love with you which we doubt it...we feel like you brainwashed her and hurt her to get her to love you Jame." He said with a serious tone. My cheeks flushed and my heart pounded against my chest rapidly. He sat back and opened his notepad. "Now...let's start with Chris... He's dead so he can't speak for himself. Now. Speak." He demanded, I bit my lip and nodded then opened my mouth.

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