The Arrival To The Sakamaki Residence

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*Song above called: Survive The Night*


(A/n: This is my first x reader so I'm sorry for any spelling or grammar errors and please enjoy!)

"My fangs are sharp... They're covered in the blood of bystanders... My brothers and I are of the fanged."

"The name given to us by humans is vampires."

"I am (Y/n) Akastski, and my brothers (from eldest to youngest) are, Yuichi, Leon, Sukiro, also nicknamed Suki, and Kairo, also nicknamed Kai. My brothers are all older than I, but I am the one with the most tolerance for mere humans, and their wretched ways."

As the introduction ends, a new adventure begins...

"Why must we leave behind our precious sister, Yuichi?" Sukiro asks, as worry overcomes his ability to think logically.

"The Sakamaki residence is the best place for her at the moment. As her fangs and power grows, she will need to find that one special vampire that she can share her great power with. The prophecy will come to pass, but with such a short span of time, she may not be able to actually live through the prophecy." Yuichi calmly explains to him.

"But why should we take this risk of losing her, if we're not even sure if the prophecy will come to pass?!" Sukiro exclaims, as frustration now takes place of the worry he had moments ago.

"There is no need for such frustration younger brother. Everything shall go according to the prophecy, as it states that her life shall be spared, even if the prophecy doesn't come to pass." Yuichi, once again, says calmly.

"There is no proof that she will or will not die if the prophecy comes to pass or not! How can you be sure that her life shall be spared?! We could lose her! We could lose the only thing we live for, and protect!" Sukiro says, once again, as frustration runs through his vains.

"The Sakamaki mansion..." (Y/n) whispers, as she slowly walked towards the large double door entrance, with her black shoulder backpack full of belongings.

'I wonder if they'll be any different than my brothers?' (Y/n) thought, as she opened the double door entrance and stepped inside, then blowing her now disheveled bangs back into place to cover her crimson red, left eye.

It had been raining when (Y/n) had gotten to the front gate, so she was now soaking wet, and shivering from the frigid cold rain.

As she looked throughout the hall she suddenly heard a deep voice. As the voice speaks, (Y/n) could tell that the gentleman speaking, was merely asking a question with great curiosity.

"Who are you, and how have come into this mansion without notice?" the gentleman asks.

(Y/n) could sense that he is a vampire and that there are five more of them throughout the mansion.

"I am no different than you. I am one of the fanged." (Y/n) says quietly, with her dark gray hoodie pulled over her mismatched colored eyes to conceal her true identity.

"So you are one of us, you say? How come I wasn't notified of your arrival? Ayato, do you know anything about this situation we have?" the gentleman asks, with more authority than before.

"How should I know? All I do know, is that Mystery here is someone of a different vampire family." the suspected Ayato asks.

Soon enough, (Y/n) and six other vampires were brought into a room with a second level and inside balcony.

The vampires finally introduced themselves, and (Y/n) immediately took a liking toward the eldest of the brothers, and the youngest. She seemed to be able to relate to them the most out of the six.

The eldest brother Shuu with his "I don't care" attitude, and the youngest brother with his non-tolerant and non-patient attitude, which both resemble (Y/n)'s own personality.

(Y/n) thought that Laito and Kanato were both a little bit odd, with their strange hobbies and personalities. But time can change any mind.

Reiji has made a better first impression on her than the other brothers, but that still doesn't mean that she trusts them.

Only time will tell to which path (Y/n) will take on her new adventure...

Will the path she chose be filled with joyous dreams?

Or wicked nightmares?

But will time eventually become her worst nightmare?

Read more to find out how (Y/n)'s life plays out, as time goes on...

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