P1.) A Far Dive Into The Past? -Life Before The Akastski Family-

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~~~Long ago in the past when (Y/n) was about 7 or 8~~~

"After her father's disappearance, her mother died, so now she is like you four. Scared, and alone." the man says to the four young, small Mukami brothers in front of him.

"Will she be staying with us then?!" the young Kou exclaims happily, wanting a new friend, as the others look at the man in anticipation.

"So it seems. Now, for the rules while she's living amongst you. You will not hurt her. She is under my protection and care, but if you do hurt her... Let me just say, it won't be any fun for you." the man says quite evilly and creepily, before calling for (Y/n), who had been patiently waiting outside the hidden mansion, deep in the forest. "No matter. Now, (Y/n), please come in. You are to meet your new family." the man says, as a small framed, pale, young girl walks into the young boys' views after entering the mansion.

"Oh wow." Kou and Yuma say quietly to themselves, basking over the young girl's beauty and elegance.

'I don't really like being around people anymore. I'd rather be alone, but they seem nice. I hope I can become friends with them.' young (Y/n) thinks to herself before slowly raising her hand to wave to the now excited boys.

"She doesn't like to talk much now, but I believe once she warms up to you, that she'll talk more freely with you." the man says, looking down on the small girl with soft, pity filled eyes.

"She looks human." Ruki whispers to Azusa, who was standing to his left.

"Yeah, she does. Doesn't she?" Yuma whispers to Ruki, who was standing to his left.

"It's not very nice to talk about someone when they're standing in front of you. Now boys, I'm going to introduce you to (Y/n), and I want you to wave your hands and say hello as I do. Alright now, the boy standing all the way to your left is Kou." the man says softly.

"Hello!" Kou calls out happily, wanting to make a new friend.

"Next to Kou, is Yuma. Say hello Yuma." the man speaks softly still.

"Hey." Yuma says quickly, before leaning on one leg and putting one hand behind his neck, and one in his jean pocket.

"Next to Yuma, is Ruki. He is the eldest of the four, so you may go to him for anything that you may need." the man speaks.

"Hello. It's very nice to meet you (Y/n)!" Ruki says with a small smile on his face.

"And lastly, standing all the way to your right, is Azusa. Azusa is usually quite quiet, but he may warm up to you in due time." the man concludes softly.

"...Hello..." Azusa says shyly before light grabbing the side of Ruki's shirt.

"Don't worry Azusa! (Y/n)'s really nice, see?" Ruki says to Azusa, as (Y/n) then tilts her head to the side and gives the four boys a bright, elegant smile, with a small wave hello.

"Now, I realize that you think that she's a human, but she really isn't. She is exactly like you, but she was born like that." the man says before lightly lifting up the (h/l) bangs covering (Y/n)'s left eye. "Her left eye signifies that she is not human, and never will be." the man says, as (Y/n) then opens both of her eyes, which had been shut while the man was lifting up her bangs.

"Whoa! It's different from her other eye! Kind of like me!" Kou exclaims in surprise, as his brothers nod in agreement. "But it's really pretty!" Kou exclaims after his last statement.

The brothers were now mesmerized by (Y/n)'s enticing, mesmerizing, crimson red, left eye, which left all the boys speechless.

"In the future she will be able to control the color of her left eye, so as the month goes by, you may not see her crimson red left eye again." the man says, before letting (Y/n)'s bangs fall back upon her face, as she then blows her (h/l) bangs back into place.

"I have to go now boys, but I'll be back to check upon you in a while." the man says before leaving the mansion, leaving the mesmerized boys, and the still elegantly smiling (Y/n).

For this, is just the beginning of their story of the past...

Much more is to come... Many perils, much sadness, and even heartbreak is to come...

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