What Is Darkness? The Beggining Of A New Game...

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"Something's wrong..." Shuu says to the others as they use their super speed to get to the limo in order to drive home.

"Shouldn't we just go home without the limo?" Kanato suggests, while playing around with Teddy.

"It's not that we aren't worried about (Y/n) ourselves. It's just that we need or want some time to think for ourselves." Laito replies worriedly.

They all don't know what's truly going on, and they're not sure if they wanna find out...

~~~~At The Sakamaki Mansion~~~~

"She's a perfect girl, isn't she?" Rai says to Ren.

"Yes, she really is quite an interesting girl. She has her two spirits residing in her body, but somehow they've become connected. I'm not sure how, or why they're connected, but I do intend to find out." Ren says menacingly.

"You're not going to hurt her, are you Ren?" Rai asks Ren, a bit worried for (Y/n)'s safety.

"Of course not! I'm just going to find out why the dark spirit, residing in (Y/n)'s unconscious mind, is so interested in her, and why she calls it Darkness, instead of its rightful name." Ren says reassuringly.

"Does it really have a rightful name to be called by?" Rai asks.

"Of course. Whether it be a dark or light spirit, all spirits have a rightful name, and a nickname they liked to be called by." Ren replies intelligently.

"So, I guess you like my half-name, Ren. And I guess the dark spirit residing in (Y/n)'s unconscious mind likes being called Darkness?" Rai asks curiously.

"Hmm... No, but yes. Darkness isn't the name that spirit likes, but I don't think it's given its name to (Y/n), so she came up with a name for it herself." Ren says mysteriously.

"So, is Darkness, actually darkness?" Rai confusedly asks.

"To explain it simply, Darkness is a fallen spirit. Fallen spirits are dark spirits born of a human's low insanity level, which is buried deeply in the human's soul. When that human dies, that dark, fallen spirit is released, and it goes insane, and becomes obsessed with the last thing the human was thinking about. In your situation, the last thing you were thinking about when you died, was (Y/n). So now your dark, fallen spirit has become obsessed with her, and has started to use mental torture on her." Ren finally stops after about a ten minute lecture on what Darkness is and what fallen spirits are.

"Can't I stop my fallen spirit from hurting her mentally?" Rai asks frantically and worriedly.

"That's something I cannot answer. It depends whether your soul has enough power to stop your now obsessed, fallen spirit." Ren says sadly.

"Anyway, do you think she'll wake up soon?" Rai asks Ren, trying to keep his mind off the frightening facts he just learned.

"Probably, but for now we need to keep her unconscious and finish what we started, and quickly." Ren says.

"But why do we need to be more quick?" Rai asks Ren curiously.

"I can now sense the Sakamaki brothers approaching the mansion, but do to their speed they're probably taking their limo home. They must have sensed that something was off." Ren replies. "I can also sense another vampire family approaching, but they don't seem to be full-blooded vampires, so they must have been turned into vampires from humans." Ren says, starting to worry Rai.

"We'd better get a move on then. Let's cast the spell on her, conceal it, and get the heck outta here before we're found." Rai says.

"Alright... Let the game... Begin!"

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