Spirit Betrayal... A Split Personality...

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^Above: Picture To Represent A Dark and Light Soul/Personality^

A/n: I'm sorry this is such a short chapter, but it's a very important one! There's gonna be some gasping during this chapter as you're reading it, so if you do gasp or are surprised and shocked, please tell me down in the comments section!

'We need to save (Y/n) from that spirit! B-But how?!' Yuichi thought before he passed out along with his already unconscious brothers.

~~~~Back At The Sakamaki Mansion Where (Y/n) Passed Out~~~~

"(Y/n)?! (Y/n)! (Y/n) what's wrong?! What's going on?!" Rai said worriedly, as he frantically picked (Y/n) up and carried her into the mansion, then set her down lightly on a couch.

'Is she really unconscious that fast?' a deeper, darker voice sounded within Rai's mind.

"I guess so? It seems she's out cold." Rai responds to the voice that has a dark aura.

'Hmph... Such a naive brat, letting her guard down like that.' the dark voice says coldly.

"But won't her brothers come for us now?" Rai once again, calmly responds to the dark voice.

'Yes, they surely will, but they are no match for us, Rai.' the dark voice declares.

"I'll trust you Ren. If you say they aren't a match for us, then I believe they aren't." Rai then declares, looking down on the unconscious (Y/n), smirking evilly. "She'll never know we were the ones behind her mother's murder, and her cruel father's death, who tortured her and then abandoned her when she was too little to remember. She will become ours, and ours alone..." Rai says, before laughing evilly, while his right eye becomes a murderous blood red.

'Rai, let us become one. Embrace the anger and greed deeply buried within your soul! Let me become one, with you...' Ren says to Rai.

"My soul may contain a deep anger and greed towards others, but I do truly love (Y/n). I want to make her mine..." Rai says truthfully to Ren.

'No.' Ren says sharply.

"What?" Rai gasps.

'You don't want to make (Y/n) yours... You will make her yours!' Ren exclaims greedily.

"You're right Ren! I will make her mine! Her heart will yearn for no one other than myself! And you too Ren." Rai exclaims quite creepily.

'Of course she'll yearn for me as well! You and I are the same person after all...'

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