A Lost Toy, and The Love of Their Lives?

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*Song above called: Lost On You*


A/n: I'm sorry that this chapter will be quite short, but I'm doing a double upload, so I hope that makes up for this. Also, I'm writing this chapter and the next one while I'm getting over some bad writer's block, so they might not be as good as the previous chapter, but I hope you like them anyway.


"We've lost the toy..." Shuu says from his position on the couch.

"Don't you think we know that? And her name is (Y/n). Use it." Ayato says angrily.

"You probably shouldn't talk back to him, right Teddy?" Kanato says as Laito agrees.

"Yeah. Upset him, and he may kill you, if he can still get up from the couch that is!" Laito warns Ayato, but teases Shuu.

"Hmph..." is all Ayato says before turning his head away from his two brothers in annoyance.

"So, what're we gonna do? We've gotta at least try and get her back." Laito asks, as the brother's then start to brainstorm ideas to get (Y/n) back from the Mukamis.

"Hey! Why don't we..."

~~~~The Akastski Brothers~~~~

"Something's not right." Sukiro says worriedly.

"Yeah! Even I can sense that something's wrong, even though I'm the youngest!" Kairo exclaims happily, annoying Sukiro to no end.

"Grrr... How can you be so happy when (Y/n) is in danger?!" Sukiro exclaims as he then picks up Kairo by his shirt collar, holding him a few inches off the ground.

"Oh! I guess you're mad then?" Kairo obliviously states happily, as Sukiro then growls in rage and annoyance.

"That's enough Sukiro." Leon says as he places his hand on Sukiro's to try and calm him down, which ends in success, and Kairo is put back on the ground. "We're all worried about (Y/n). She's like our little sister." Leon concludes before Sukiro exclaims his objections.

"Not to me! She's not like a little sister to me! Don't you see it?! Can't you see how we all truly feel about her?!" Sukiro questions his brothers angrily, as Yuichi then inquires why Sukiro thinks that way.

"If she's not like a little sister to you, or us, then what is she to us?" Yuichi asks in complete curiosity and confusion.

"She... We... Can't you just see that we all love her?!" Sukiro exclaims.

"Yeah, we love her as our little sister, right?" Kairo asks happily still.

"No. Not like that. Not as a little sister, but her. I don't know how to describe it, but can't you feel something deep down that we haven't felt before? If you can, then it's called love, true love, in fact. We love her, not as our sister, but her, and her very existence." Sukiro tells his brothers with small tears coming to his eyes.

"I see... I do not completely understand what you are trying to depict, but I can sense that feeling you were describing, so I believe you." Yuichi says calmly, as Sukiro looks up in surprise.

"Yeah, I agree with Yuichi. I can sense that feeling, although I don't know what it is quite yet, but I believe you." Leon says as Kairo just nods happily in response.

"Yeah, yeah! What they said!" Kairo says happily while trying to explain why he has this feeling. "I think I started to sense this feeling back when we first met (Y/n), when she saved us from, that man..."

For now... The true story of their past is being shown...

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