Your Savior, Is Your Curse?

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"This locket contains a piece of me, so keep it with you wherever you go. Ok?" Rai says to (Y/n).

"Umm... Ok, sure."  (Y/n) responds, unsure of Rai's actions.

Just then, (Y/n) heard her phone start to ring. (Y/n)'s ringtone is (your/favorite/song), and Rai chuckles a little as he hears it. 

"You still listen that song? It's been so long since I've heard it." Rai says, as he laughs quietly.

"Well, yeah. Of course it's still my favorite song. It... kinda reminds me... of our past." (Y/n) said a bit shyly. 

(Y/n) had said that last sentence so quietly, she thought that she might not have actually said it! But no... She said it, and Rai overheard her statement, but he kept that little fact a secret. Which is very rare for him, since he is always so open and talkative.

As the two started to walk back to the mansion, (Y/n) started to quietly sing (y/f/s).

'Her voice, it's so beautiful. This is what I missed most of all. Being able to walk next to her, and being able to hear her sing.' Rai thought.

He believed that (Y/n)'s singing was so beautiful, that she could make anyone become happy, no matter how angry or sad that person was.

'She only sings in front of me.' Rai thought. 'She has never sung in front of anyone else, to my knowledge. So, does that mean that she hasn't sung for that long?' Rai thinks, as he remembers how long it has been since he was with (Y/n) last.

'Has it become normal for her to not sing anymore? If so, I couldn't stand it. Her voice is so beautiful that if I knew that she had stopped singing, I would've told her to keep singing, even without me being there.' Rai thought as the two reached the mansion.

The two had been walking back to the mansion in mostly silence, except for (Y/n)'s quiet singing.

As Rai and (Y/n) reached the mansion, (Y/n) noticed that Shuu was actually outside for once, and it seemed if it was like he was looking for something.

'Shuu is actually outside for once? What's this all about? Wait, is he looking for something?' (Y/n) thought as you begin to sub-consciously left Rai's side started walk towards Shuu. No fear or nervousness in mind at the moment.

"Are you looking for something, Shuu?" (Y/n) asked quietly, but politely.

"Hmm? Oh... (Y/n). I was just looking for my music book." Shuu responds calmly and boredly.

"Oh, ok. Do... you want some help?" (Y/n) asked with a shy tone of voice.

'Why would you ever want to help him?' Rai asks (Y/n) rudely, through telepathy.

'He may be another vampire, but he hasn't done anything to me, exactly.' (Y/n) replied to Rai, once again, using telepathy.

'What do you mean by that?' Rai asks, with a more, protective tone of voice.

'Oh no you don't! Don't get mad at him for no reason, Rai! All six brothers told me that if I tried to leave without permission, that I would die by their hand.' (Y/n) tells Rai, as she sub-consciously glared at his transparent being.

'What's (Y/n) glaring at?' Shuu thinks, as (Y/n) continued to sub-consciously glare at Rai.

'Hmm... This is weird. I sense another presence close-by, but I can't see them.' Shuu thought, as he dismissed his suspicions.

'Oh no... I just realized that I've been sub-consciously glaring at Rai, but Shuu obviously can't see him! Oh boy, I've just made a huge mistake...' (Y/n) thought as she imaginarily face-palmed.

(Y/n) ultimately decide to ask Shuu again if he needed help. Only to try and advert suspicion away from herrself.

"So, do you need help finding your music book?" (Y/n) asks Shuu again, hopefully adverting suspicion.

"No, I found it just a moment before you came to talk to me." Shuu says, as he shrugs and starts to walk off toward the mansion.

'I guess he didn't suspect anything then?' (Y/n) questions herrself in thought, as she silently followed Shuu into the mansion.

"Could I be imagining things?" (Y/n) almost silently asks herself, as she thought she had heard one of the songs she had sung, in her distant past.

'I believe that is one of the songs that you sung when we were little, correct?' Rai asks (Y/n) through telepathy.

'Now that you know that I'm half-vampire, I should be able to trust you with my most closely guarded secret. Other than being half-vampire of course.' (Y/n) tells Rai through telepathy.

"Your most closely guarded secret?" Rai asks (Y/n) aloud, since by this time, the two had walked into (Y/n)'s room. 

"Yes. My secret... is that I'm cursed." (Y/n) strains herself to say.

This specific subject has always made (Y/n) very uncomfortable, so she usually tries not to speak of this, but in this situation, she had to talk about it.

"Cursed?" Rai asks, surprised by (Y/n)'s statement.

"Yes. I'm cursed. My grandmother, and my mother had a... falling-out of sorts, which soon led to their hatred of each-other. My grandmother then cursed my birth, in which, my mother never believed, but ultimately became true." (Y/n) says quietly, with great reluctancy in her voice.

Rai knows that this is a very touchy subject that (Y/n) is speaking about at the moment, so he now believes that whatever is said in these next few moments, should stay in these few moments, and only between the two of you.

"The curse that was placed on me, was that when I become 17 years old, that I will be killed, by a song..." (Y/n) says quietly, as she started to shiver at those words, in which her mother had told her, moments before her cruel death.

"By... a song?" Rai questions with curiosity and worry.

"Yes, a song. And another part of the curse, was that if I hear that song before I become 17, that I will be in unbearable pain, for as long as I can hear that song." (Y/n) says quietly, as she start to silently cry. "The curse is called Ongaku... which means "Music"..." (Y/n) states afterward.

'But why a song? After Rai was killed, all I ever did was listen to songs, cry, and sing.' (Y/n) thought, as Rai hugged her in his "mortal" form.

'Songs saved me, and now they'll become my death? Something that saved my soul once, will now be known to ultimately destroy my soul as well?' (Y/n) thought in horror as she cried into Rai's shoulder.

'Music was my savior, and now...'

"It will be my murderer..."

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