Past, and Protective

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"Do you like sweet things? Or bitter things?" Kanato asks once again.

"I'm not much of a sweet eater, but I don't like really bitter things either. So, kind of like eating dark chocolate. Sweet, but bitter." (Y/n) says, not liking Kanato's aura afterward.

'Sweet but bitter? Is there even such a thing?! She likes Teddy, but doesn't like sweets. There's no way I'd want her now.' Kanato thinks angrily while subconsciously glaring at her.

'Uh oh. I guess I made him mad.' (Y/n) thought as she sweat-dropped and headed for the bedroom door.

"Oh wait!" (Y/n) exclaims to herself more than anyone. "I almost forgot my MP3 player!" (Y/n) said a bit too excitedly.

"Do you like music (Y/n)?" Kanato asks, just as Shuu was walking by her room door.

"Oh, you didn't know? I love music! It helps me calm down whenever I'm sad, or mad, or even, heart-broken." (Y/n) says sadly as she remembers the day her best guy friend found out that she was half-vampire and shunned her, until the aristocrat/high society vampires killed him.

As (Y/n) came back from her flashback, she couldn't hold in her tears anymore. She could feel the wet drops of salty water flow down her face, and they wouldn't stop, even if she had wanted them to.

"Sorry, but I gotta go Kanato!" (Y/n) says as she runs out of her room, only to bump into Shuu, who was standing right outside (Y/n)'s room door.

"Huh? Oh! Sorry Shuu! Umm, I gotta go now, bye!" (Y/n) whimpered out as she looked up at him, tears still streaming from her eyes, and ran away.

'Why did I have to remember that now?! Why now?!' (Y/n) asked herself in thought as she ran out the front double door entrance and into a small patch of woods near the back of the mansion.

"What's with all the tears (Y/n)? You were never the type of girl to cry so easily. Wait, did they do something to you?! If they did, I'll kill them all!" a very protective and familiar voice said.

'Who is speaking to me? It isn't any of the Sakamaki brothers.' you thought as you looked up, to see your brother Sukiro. "Suki!" (Y/n) cried as she stood up and hugged him.

"What happened (Y/n)? Why are you crying?" Sukiro asks you worriedly. At this time, dark storm clouds have moved overhead, but (Y/n) noticed them too late.

"I-I.." *thunder* "Ahh! Suki!" (Y/n) screamed as she got scared by the thunder.

"You never liked thunder. Come on, let's go back inside." Sukiro says comfortingly.

"B-But what if they attack you?" (Y/n) asked, worried about her brother.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine, but we need to get inside." Sukiro says as it starts to rain harder upon (Y/n) and her brother.

"Ok, let's go!" (Y/n) says, not liking the cold, wet, feeling of the rain seeping through her clothes.

As they get inside (Y/n) sneezes and shivers, since she is now soaking wet from the rain.

"Achoo! Jeez I'm so cold." (Y/n) says as she shivers.

"Don't catch a cold!" Sukiro says jokingly, (Y/n) just rolls her eyes at him, and then turn around and hug him.

"What are you doing (Y/n)?" Sukiro asks in surprise.

"Thanks for coming to my rescue, my knight in shining armor." (Y/n) says, remembering how Sukiro dressed as a knight, when they were little, and supposedly "saved" her from horrible dragons, also known as (Y/n)'s other bothers.

"Ha, you still remember that?" Sukiro says while rubbing the back of his neck from embarrassment.

"Yep." you reply with a grateful smile.

'I want to tell her, but I can't. I love her so much! I'm going crazy, not being able to tell her and confess to her!' Sukiro finally realizes after seven to eight years of living together.

(Y/n) had been taken in by the Akastski family when she was eight, so she grew up thinking they were her brothers. They had just gone along with it, until they had developed a feeling towards (Y/n), a feeling they thought they could never feel. That feeling, was true, pure, love.

"Who is he?" Ayato asks out of nowhere, while wrapping his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders.

"Get away from my baby sister!" Sukiro yells as he quickly attacks Ayato, in which he misses, because Ayato difficultly dodges the oncoming attack. Sukiro then goes back to (Y/n).

"Stay away from her." Sukiro commands as he hugs (Y/n) from behind.

"They won't attack me, Sukiro." (Y/n) says bluntly.

"Ehh?!" Sukiro says surprisingly, while being totally confused.

"They won't hurt me." (Y/n) says with an emotionless expression. "I trust them that much, at least." (Y/n) says with a small smile, knowing that she made Ayato, Kanato, and Shuu, who were present at that moment, nervous and fairly embarrassed.

"I don't know about that." Sukiro says, not totally believing that they would respect her wishes.

He then notices Shuu staring at (Y/n), and Sukiro then looks at (Y/n), and she was smiling at them.

'A true, genuine, smile?! She hasn't smiled like that since before her friend shunned her!' he thought.

'Wait... Does that guy like (Y/n)?!'

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