A Spell and A Kidnapping?! The Game Has Begun...

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*Song above called: Little Game*


"This spell will begin to erase (Y/n)'s of memories of the Sakamaki brothers in about a week or two. At first, the losses in her memory with be small and faint, so it may seem normal. But after a while, large chunks of her memory will be lost, and soon enough, she'll believe that we are the only people who really are trustworthy, and she'll come running... Right into our arms." Ren concludes evilly.

"This seems like a pretty complex spell, so can you pull it off, Ren?" Rai asks curiously about the limit of Ren's powers.

"Of course Rai! I may not seem like a strong spirit at first, but come to know me better, and then you'll understand the true limits of my powers." Ren says confidently.

"We'd better get going now. Even I can sense that other vampire family now." Rai says, as he turns back into his translucent ghost form, disappearing into the darkness of the Sakamaki mansion.

~~~~In The Limo~~~~

"Something's not right..." Shuu says a bit anxiously, as they all sense the other, unknown, vampire family.

"There's only four of them. We could take them head on." Ayato suggests.

"No. Involving ourselves in unnecessary combat could be what Rai Araki wants. We need to focus on the main reason why we're going back." Reiji says authoritatively and strategically.

'I wonder what's going on...'

'If anything happens to her, I don't know what we'll do without her...'

'Her birthday is coming closer. I mean, she's turning seventeen, but still. There's only a little bit of time, before it happens.' Ayato and the others take turns thinking, as they soon recognize the vampire auras they had been sensing earlier.

"The Mukami Mutts?!" Ayato exclaims aloud, as everyone realizes the grave mistake they've made.

"They aren't there to hurt (Y/n), but to kidnap her!" Laito franticly explains, as his brothers' faces twist and turn into scowls and surprise, and soon low growls are heard.

"Grrr! We've been so foolish!" Subaru exclaims in an absolute fit of rage, as the brothers then exit the car and use their super speed to get home as quickly as they could.

~~~ Just Moments Earlier ~~~ 

"We've finally found her again." Kou says as he lightly brushes the backs of his fingers against (Y/n)'s peacefully unconscious face. 'I wish I could do this forever, and never have her refuse my praise.' Kou thinks as he closely gazes at (Y/n)'s face, watching her form slowly rise and fall in a steady motion of breathing.

"Let's just get her outta here before those Sakamaki idiots come." Yuma says a bit agitatedly, before picking up (Y/n) and carrying her in his arms. 'She looks so peaceful... I wish- Oh never mind!' Yuma thinks, as he shakes his previous thoughts out of his head.

"Once we... get home... could... I sharpen... my knives...?" Azusa asks, as he quickly glances at (Y/n)'s limp form.

"Let's just get out of here before we begin discussing other things." Ruki commands politely towards his brothers, as they all willfully nod in agreement.

Soon, the four Mukami brothers use their own super speed to head back to their own mansion, from which they came to get (Y/n)...

~~~ Back To The Present/Sakamaki Residence ~~~

"Ugh! We got here to late!" Ayato exclaims in rage, as he soon hears Subaru tsk in annoyance.

"Tsk... Why do we even go to such lengths for a random girl sent to us by the church?" Subaru asks, still while in annoyance.

"She was sent to us as a sacrificial bride of course." Reiji replies instantaneously, as Reiji then finds a small cloth, seemingly belonging to (Y/n), but drenched in the Mukami brothers' scent.

"Although, I think we've all felt a little off by her presence here in the mansion." Laito says, suggesting something the brother's don't want to accept.

"Could we follow their scent Reiji? And what do you mean by that? Even Teddy is confused." Kanato asks with true curiosity.

"We could, but it's going to rain soon so their scent will be washed away." Reiji concludes as all the bothers tsk in annoyance, before Ayato begins to explain what Laito had meant by his suggestion.

"He means what we've come to believe, but not accept." Ayato says before continuing. "He's saying, that we've fallen in love with (Y/n)..." Ayato concludes, as all the brothers lower their heads in thought, and all come to the same conclusion.

"There's no way..." Subaru says in total shock.

"Could it be true?" Reiji questions aloud.

"It is. We've fallen for her, without even knowing it..." Laito says unnervingly.

"They're playing a game with us, and (Y/n) is the toy..." Shuu says.

"They aren't gonna get away with this." Ayato says menacingly.

"The game... Has Begun!"

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