R Comes Back To Life???

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^Above: Picture of Rai^

"Wait, does that guy like (Y/n)?!" Sukiro thought angrily.

"Hey you!" Sukiro calls out towards Shuu. "Yeah you! I want you, especially you, to stay away from my baby sister." Sukiro, once again, commands as he walks up to Shuu.

"Suki, what are you doing?! They'll attack you!" (Y/n) says worriedly.

"Why would... No... Why should I care about that mere girl?" Shuu asks Sukiro.

"Mere girl you say? She is no ordinary girl!" Sukiro yells at Shuu, as he grabs Shuu by his collar, and is about to punch him.

"Suki, stop it!" (Y/n) screams, as she remembers the same thing happening to her friend Rai.

Rai is the name of (Y/n)'s best guy friend that shunned her, and was killed by the aristocrat/high society vampires.

As (Y/n) screamed out to Sukiro, he remembered that he did the same thing to Rai a couple years ago. As Sukiro turns around to face (Y/n), he sees that he was the one to bring tears to her eyes this time.

"Please stop Suki. It's all too much like what happened to Rai." (Y/n) whispers, as salty tears stream from her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry (Y/n)." Sukiro says, as he tries to hide his shame in his black bangs.

"Are the others here as well?" (Y/n) asks while while wiping away her tears. 

"No, I came alone. It's just me." Sukiro says, while wondering what (Y/n) is going to say next.

At that very moment, (Y/n) felt as if another spirit had entered her body, and had taken control of her body as well.

'Why can't I move?! Why can't I speak?! What's going on?!' (Y/n) thought while feeling true horror.

"If you're the only one... If you're the only one, then just leave!" (Y/n) yells, as she instantly felt a great sense of guilt lie on her shoulders.

'L-Leave? But why?! Why does she want me to leave?!' Sukiro thinks, as he bursts out the front double door entrance and vanishes into thin air.

'Why did I say that?! That isn't what I wanted to say!' (Y/n) thought as her body moved and talked on it's own. 

The spirit controlled (Y/n) until she had walked back to the small patch of woods, near the back of the mansion. The spirit made (Y/n) sit down in front of a large tree, with enough branches and leaves to make sure that she wouldn't get wet. As soon as (Y/n) sat down, the spirit left her body, and let (Y/n) have control over it once again.

As (Y/n) listened to the rain, (Y/n) closed her eyes and pictured Rai in his (f/c) hoodie and camo shorts, with black and white Vans.

"Well, you at least got the jacket color right." a voice says.

As (Y/n) opened her eyes, she saw Rai! He was a bit translucent, but it was Rai! 

"Rai!" (Y/n) exclaimed in wonder, surprise, joy, and sadness.

"Hey (Y/n). I..." Rai starts to say, as his sentence gets cut short by (Y/n)'s outburst.

"I'm so sorry! I got you hurt, and killed! And... it was all because of me!" (Y/n) blurt out as she started to cry again, and she soon dropped to her knees and cover her face with her hands.

"I'm sorry too." Rai says, and (Y/n) looks up at him in surprise, as tears still stream from her mismatched eyes.

(Y/n) then noticed that Rai wasn't looking at her anymore, but was looking to the side and at the ground, as he said this next sentence.

"I shouldn't have done those things to you. A real friend would've accepted you the way you were, and wouldn't have rejected who you are." Rai says, totally ashamed of his actions, and of himself.

'I shouldn't have done that. I had loved her so much, but when I found out that she was half-vampire, I thought we could never be together. So... I thought it would be a good idea to just stay away from her, and forget about her, but it didn't work. Why did I even think that would work?! But even after I got killed, I still thought of her. As I drifted through the seemingly endless space of death and despair, I thought only of her, and her wonderful smile. I never want to leave her again, and I won't.' Rai thought as he ripped a part of his soul and placed it inside of a locket.

"This locket contains a piece of me, so keep it with you wherever you go. Ok?"

'I will never leave her ever again. I will be here by her side, forever.'

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