Unsealed Fate...

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"Hmm? W-Where am I?" (Y/n) says quietly, as she sits up from a couch in the middle of the Mukami mansion. "Umm... How'd I get here?" (Y/n) asks aloud, as a voice instantly responds, frightening her.

"You're back where you belong." a voice responds from a nearby staircase.

"Oh! R-Ruki..." (Y/n) stutters, turning her head away from the approaching vampire.

"Why do you turn your head away? Do... you not want to be here?" Ruki asks with a bit of sadness clear in his voice.

"N-No! It's not like that! It's just... I never expected I'd ever come back here again." (Y/n) responds quietly, still not looking directly at Ruki.

"Hey Ruki! Did she wa-... (Y/N)!! You're awake!" a familiar blonde haired vampire exclaims before rushing over to her.

"H-Hey Kou..." she responds almost inaudibly.

"So she's awake huh? Good to have you back." Yuma says as he enters the room from the second floor staircase.

"...Mhm..." Azusa agrees silently.

"I-It's nice to see you all again..." (Y/n) says shyly before thinking, 'I-I feel like there was something else I needed to do, but I don't remember what...'

As (Y/n) drifts into thought, she's suddenly pulled from her thoughts when the brothers then say something she never expected they would.

"(Y/n)... We have something to tell you..." Ruki says hesitantly, before the others continue for him.

"We finally know why we were so interested and attached to you when you left us so long ago..." Yuma says before looking at Azusa.

"We want... to tell you..." Azusa starts to say, but is cut off by Kou as he finishes his sentence.

"That we've fallen in love with you!" Kou says with a big smile on his face, not one ounce of nervousness present.

'H-Huh?!' (Y/n) thinks before staying silent, unable to grasp her situation at the moment.

"Jeez Kou! You couldn't have been any more blunt about it." Yuma says agitatedly.

"I... agree with... Yuma..." Azusa says slowly.

"Let's first explain before you say anything." Ruki says before continuing, "As you know, long ago, you were taken away from us against your will. Well, we've been searching for you ever since then, and we finally found you residing within the Sakamaki's home a month ago. I talked with my brothers, and we had planned to take you back with us the first chance we got, and that time finally came. You're here with us now, and we don't plan on letting you go again."

"B-But... what if I don't want to be here?" (Y/n) asks as she then again, turns her head away from the four vampire brothers.

"You... don't want to be... with us... (Y/n)?" Azusa asks with worry sounding throughout his voice.

"I... I don't know. That's the thing. I don't know if I wanna be... here..." (Y/n) says as she silently stands up and walks to the room she had slept in when she was a small child.

'I don't have anything against the others. I loved living with them when I was little. I never wanted to leave them, but now... it doesn't feel right. I mean... Oh! How can I tell them?!' (Y/n) thinks as she runs her left hand over the footboard of her old bed, and then walks out onto the balcony where she once kept her most closely guarded secret.

As (Y/n) looked around, she found the spot that she had hidden her darkest secret...

'I don't have much time... Tonight at midnight is when it starts. The countdown to my ultimate demise...' (Y/n) thinks as she runs her fingers over a silver dagger engraved with the words "Sacred Roze" which was sealed shut with a small metal chain necklace that had a bow and arrow charm on it.

'Once the time passes midnight, this necklace will break apart... I will have turned seventeen... My countdown...'

"Has begun..." (Y/n) whispers as she looks up to the moon showering her in silvery moonlight, as a clock chimes midnight.

"My fate has now been... unsealed."

[A/n: Heyo guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long! I've been working through writer's block, but I think I've finally gotten passed it! This story is nearing its end, and with the ending of this story... A new adventure shall begin!]

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