Shower Of Thoughts

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Selena's Pov: I walked into my house and smiled when the scent of my favorite food filled my nose. I dropped my school bag next to the front door, took off my coat, scarf, and gloves, kicked off my shoes and walked up to my brand new puppy. I dropped to my knees picked her up and smiled. "Hey baby girl" I said while standing up and walking into the kitchen. "Mom dad! I'm home!" I yelled.

Once I did that I put my puppy Macy on the floor and my mom walked in. She asked me how my day was and I replied by saying "good" after I replied I sat at the dinning table and my mom placed a plate of my favorite food in front of me.

"Did you talk to Justin today?" She asked me with a small smile on her face. What the hell is this lady I call my mother talking about?

"Huh?" I asked with obvious confusion showing all over my face.

"You two used to be the best of friends" she said while handing me a fork.

"Yeah used to. We haven't hung out since the 3rd or 4th grade. I thought you knew that mom"

"Sweetie I hope you know that you barley tell me anything anymore"

I began to eat a bit of my food before I looked up at her and replied. "Mom that's so not true" lie showing all over my face when I said that. I don't know if you have noticed, but I'm a bad lier.

"Oh well your science teacher called me today. He said that you never gave me the permission slip for my approval of what your learning" she said giving me her disappointed look.

I hate that look she gives me. It makes me feel like I did something wrong. "I just didn't want you to make a big deal out of it." I said while biting my lip.

"Why would I make a big deal about you learning about sex?" Her saying that made me completely lose my appetite. "Eww gross mom! That sounds so disturbing coming out of your mouth!" I said while pushing away my food.

"Whatever Selena, anyway me and your father are going away this weekend"

"Ok?" I said in more of a questioning tone. Why would she have to tell me that? I can take care of myself.

"And you will be staying with..."

Before she could finish her sentence, her phone rung and she walked out of the kitchen just leaving me in suspense.

Whatever, I didn't want to know anyway, so I got up, got ride of the food I could no longer eat, grabbed my puppy, and went to my room.

Once I got there I set Macy in her puppy bed and blasted Avril Lavigne music throughout my entire room. I guess you could say I have a pretty darn big room, but to rich people its probably considered small.

A few hours later I was becoming tired so I decided to get ready for bed. I turned off my iPad and put it on it's charger. Once I was done with that I walked into my bathroom and closed the door. I turned on the shower and striped out of my clothes. When I was completely nude I opened the shower and got in. The warm water hitting against my skin made me moan a little. There is nothing better then a warm shower on a cold winter night... In my opinion.

Half way through my shower I was completely lost in my thoughts. I was wondering how my day was gonna be tomorrow. Ms. Swift, my English teacher, said she planed a fun project for tomorrow. I was pretty excited about it to be honest. First after we find our partners, (yes we literally have to find our partners, like a scavenger hunt) we all meet up in the ross garden and she tells us what the project is about. After that we get to eat snacks and play random games. It's a half a day for us so we get to go home early. Talk about a sweet day right?!

Anyway after my shower of thoughts as I like to call it, I got in bed and switched the light switch next to my bed. The regular lights went off and the Christmas lights came on. Christmas lights are so peaceful to me. I could look at them all night.

But soon after my lights went off, I closed my eyes and drifted into a deep sleep.

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