Who Started it?

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When the bell rung I literally ran out of class.

I didn't even take my crutches.

I could here Justin yelling my name but I just keep running.

I didn't even care that my feet where hurting like hell.

It felt like they where on fire, but I keep running.

I was earning a lot of attention, especially since Justin was running after me but I really didn't care.

My feet started giving out though. They where in way to much pain and I was about to collapse to the floor but Justin caught me.

"Selena what the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yelled at me as tears started to pore down my face.

"You're not suppose to be putting that much pressure on your feet!"

"I don't care" I mumbled as I looked away.

"Selena what's wrong?" He asked with concern in his eyes.

"Nothing Justin, just leave me alone"

He just sighed and brought me to the Ross garden.

"Now tell me" he said.

"Did you start that rumor?" I asked?

"What rumor?"

"Don't play dumb with me Justin! Did you start the damn rumor or not?!"

All he did was sigh and look down.

"Answer me Bieber!" I yelled at him.

"No!" He yelled back.

"Then who did?!"

"Chaz did! He thought it would be funny. He didn't know you would be so upset about it"

"Justin people think I'm a slut now!"

"So? Who cares what they think? They're just jealous"

"Of what?! Where not in a sexual relationship!"

"I know..." He put his hand on my cheek. "They're jealous of your beauty... Your innocents... You smile... Your laugh... Your eyes... Your smarts... You hair... Your body...

With each word he leaned in closer and closer, and to be honest I found myself starting to lean in too.

Are lips where inches apart... But the bell rung making us pull apart. Talk about awkward!

"Um we should go back to Ms. Swifts class and get your crutches." He side after moments of silence.

I just nodded and started to walk inside but he stopped me.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't want you walking. Get on my back." He said.


"Now!" He said with a stern voice.

With that I just rolled my eyes and hoped onto his back as he walked inside.

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