Chapter 7

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Taylor POV:

Well, for the past two weeks, there has been some good events and some bad ones. Cheerleading has been great and I'm going to be so ready for the game tomorrow. Robin has been acting a little distant but that's okay. Maybe she is just going through something and needs time to talk about it. I won't pressure her though. Tori has been there for me but I've noticed her talking to Travis a lot. I'm not going to jump to conclusions but that's a little weird to me.

No, Travis has not talked to me. I guess he moved on. I don't care. I mean I care but I don't. Oh and I lost 12 pounds. Turn the fuck up! lol but let me get my uniform and cheer bag together for tomorrow.

We are wearing our gold uniform. I can't wait to show off my golden legs . I plugged up my phone and laid down since I have a long day tomorrow.

7:00 AM

If you know what's good for you, come through . Come through. Lil shawty come through.

I turn off my alarm and take a shower. I put on my baby magic baby lotion and my deodorant. I did my hair and makeup. Then I put on my off white body suit, my Burgundy see through skirt, and my burgundy gold spiked heels. Grabbing my phone, charger, and cheer bag, I head out of the door. I stop by McDonald's and get me a sausage biscuit and orange juice, then I head to school.

School went the same as usual but Robin barely said a word to me but it's cool. I refuse to kiss her ass and beg her to fucking talk to me. OH MOTHERFUCKING WELL. After school Tori and I went to get something to eat before the game. Once we got back to the school Tori helped me get ready. I wand curled the ends of my hair after I put it in a high ponytail and then I put on light makeup. Soon it was time for the varsity girls to play and we started cheering.

"Jump ball, tip it to the Lions. Jump ball tip it to the lions.."

Travis POV:

Tonight is the night that I get my baby back. The plan is taking place during our halftime. I already told coach. If it wasn't for Tori this would not be possible. Taylor Looks so beautiful tonight. I hate that I haven't been talking to her but I had to make it seem as if I was uninterested. I see the cheerleaders go onto the court for the girls' halftime and Tori comes and sits by me.

"You nervous?" She asks.

"Hell yeah man. She could make me look like a complete idiot out there if she rejects me."

"Man. Bro. I know Taylor. She is not going to reject you like that." Tori says.

"I hope not. But I have to go now, it's time for us to get ready."

"Alright. Good luck."

"Thanks, Tori. For everything."

"Your welcome."

Taylor's POV:

I have not talked to Tori since the girls' halftime. I saw her sitting with Travis. I mean I don't care who he talks to but for Tori, as my friend that would be dirty as fuck. But you never know. I doubt she would do that to me so I need to stop worrying.

I think I still have feelings for Travis but I don't think he cares. He didn't even try to prove he wanted me. How can he really want me if he gave up so easily.

The boys game is starting but honestly I'm ready to go home already.

Bzzzzzz! The buzzer sounded letting us know the game is starting. They had Travis up for jump ball and a big tall dude as his opponent. "Leap boy Leap! Get up off your feet! Leap boy leap!" The ref tossed the ball up and Travis jumped and hit the ball to Delmonte. Delmonte dribbled the ball to our goal and just as he was about to shoot, a big dude from the other side tried to get the ball and fouled.

"Hey you, hey you, hey you on the floor, you fouled our champ , don't you do that no more!"

As Delmonte was at the free throw line, I went to jump since it was my turn. We jump if the person on our time makes a basket. Delmonte shot the ball and made it. I did my toe touch.

2 Quarters later...

I'm nervous as hell. It's time for our halftime dance. We are dancing to Janet Jackson's "Burn It Up" .

Hearing the music start, I put my game face on and got ready to kill It. As soon as the beat dropped, I let my mind go and just let the music flow through my moves. I made sure to give as much attitude and personality as I could. After we finished the routine, the gym erupted with applause and people screaming. All of a sudden the lights shut out and I heard people screaming. I didn't move at all.

A couple of seconds later the lights came back on and I was the only one still on the floor. Everyone was looking at me which made me uncomfortable. As I was getting ready to walk off of the court, music started to play. The song was promise by Jagged Edge. The basketball team and a couple more people walked onto the middle of the court with white t shirts on.

What the heck is going on?

"Babyyyyy..." I heard someone sing.

I turn around and there stood Travis with a microphone in his hand. I didn't even know jackass could sing.

Nothing is promised to me and you.
So why let this thing go?
Baby I promise that I will stay true
Don't let nobody say it ain't so,
And baby I promise
That I will never leave
That everything will be alright
I promise These things to you
Girl just believe
I promise

Should have known the things you said been right
Forever is such a very long time
We never even had a fight
Don't let no one change you mind
Cause they don't know how much I care
They don't know the thing we share unless they're here babe
But since they're not how can they say I'm not true oh oh oh

If you need a love, I got the love that you need
Ain't no way they can take that from r
And I pray to God that one day they will see.

I felt something wet run down my cheeks. I know my ass ain't crying. Thugs don't cry. Travis then got down on one knee and grabbed my hand.

"Taylor. Will you please give me another chance and let me take you out on a date. I promise to not fall asleep this time. I really like you and I want to be with you in the long run . You are the most beautiful girl I've seen and I'll be a whole fool to let you slip away. Please ?"

"Ummmm.... Well..."

To be continued. lol

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