Chapter 9

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Travis POV:

It took us about an hour to get to the restaurant. It's a soul food restaurant called "Big Mama's". I rented the whole restaurant out for Taylor and I. I wanted this night to be special. I look over at Taylor and see her still asleep from the long ride. She is so damn beautiful man and I'm lucky as hell that she gave me another chance.

I reach over to wake Taylor up, but before I touched her, my phone vibrated letting me know I had a text message.

678-283-5433 : So you still going out with fat ass huh ? I know she can't ride it like I can with her virgin ass. I know you want me so stop flexing . I am NEVER going to give up on getting you. Even if some people get hurt along the way. XOXO J and R😘😏

Who the fuxk is this. It's so many unknown numbers in my messages that I don't reply to so I don't know who it is. J and R? Hmm.

I don't know. Right now it's all about Taylor.


"Taylor." I shake her a little. "


"Come on we're here."

Taylor's POV:

"Come on. We're here."

I look up and we are at the expensive ass soul food restaurant that I've always wanted to come to. But it looks closed.

"Umm Travis. Are you sure they're open?"

"Yes. They are definitely open."

This boy better not try and kill me.  We get out of the car and walk towards the restaurant. Travis opens the door for me and I walk in and lights are hanging up around the whole restaurant and it's smells hella good in this bitch.

The thing is no one is here. It looks closed as a motherfucker.

"Ummm Travis."

"I rented this whole restaurant out for us tonight Taylor."

"Oh my. This is too much. You didn't have to do this." I said.

"But the thing is , I wanted to. So, come on." 

We went to one of the seats with a candle lit on the table. Just as we sat down a waitress walked over to us with menus in her hand.

"Hi. Welcome to Big Mama's. What would you guys like to drink tonight?"

I whispered to Travis about them checking our IDs and he said don't worry about it.

Looking on the menu, I saw this blue looking drink that looked really good.

"What is this blue drink?"

"Well that's our famous Ocean coconut margarita."

"Well I'll have that." I said.

"Can I have the same thing please?" Travis said

"Okay I will get your drinks and I will be right back so
You can order if you're ready."

"Thank you."

Travis POV:

"Sooo. You look really beautiful tonight. Well you do everyday but especially tonight."

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