Chapter 34

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I woke up the next morning and looked around. I noticed I was in the bed with Jerome. He had his arm around me and was sleeping with a pout on his face. I kissed his forehead and removed his arm from around me. I went into the restroom and brushed my teeth. Then I took off my clothes and took a shower. Once I finished I went back into the room and got dressed. I put on some dark blue jeans and a white polo shirt with some all white roshes.

Then I went to Ansley's room to get her up and fed. She was lying in her crib with her feet in the air and laughing while spitting bubbles. She was so cute. I grabbed her out of her crib.

"Hey mamas baby!" I cooed.

She smiled while putting her fingers in her mouth.

I wiped her down and changed her diaper. Then I put her on a cute little dress with some sandals. I carried her to the kitchen and sat her in her swing while I fixed her a bottle. I fed her and when she was finished I burped her and then I put her back in her swing so I could cook breakfast.

I noticed that Jerome barely had any food so I decided to go shopping. I grabbed Ansley and walked to his room.

"Babe.." I said shaking him.

"Hmm?" He grunted.

"I'm about to go to the store and get some food for your empty ass kitchen."

He waved me off. I turned to leave only for him to grab my arm.

"What?" I asked.

He puckered his lips out and I kissed them. I turned to leave out of the room.

I grabbed my purse and Ansley's bags and carried her to Jerome's car. I buckled her into the car seat and got in. I pulled off and went to Walmart.

I got out and went to the dairy section. I grabbed some milk, eggs, and cheese. Then I went down the aisle and grabbed some sausage and bacon.

I went to the next aisle over and grabbed some biscuits.

"Excuse me?" A woman tapped me on my shoulder . I turned around only to be met with a girl who looked exactly like Taylor except skinnier.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I'm sorry to bother you I just wanted to tell you that you dropped this wallet."

I looked down at her hand and saw my wallet. How the hell did I drop it when it was in my purse? Or was it even in my purse? I'm tripping. I grabbed it from her.

"Thank you so much." I said.

"Your welcome. Is this your daughter?" She asked looking at Ansley.

"Um yes." I said.

"She is very beautiful. You are lucky to have her." She said and walked away.

Strange but okay. I went to the fruit section and grabbed some grapes only for the whole shelf to fall.

"Shit." I bent down and started putting things back where they were. I turned around to put the grapes in my buggy only to find the buggy and Ansley gone.

My heart immediately stopped.

I looked around frantically to see if I saw someone walking away with her. I didn't.

"Ansley?!" I yelled out even though she wouldn't be able to say anything. I ran down the aisle with tears going down my face. I was panicking and I didn't know what to do. How could I let someone walk off with my daughter.

I turned down the next aisle and I didn't see anything. I went down the next one and nothing either. I continued this until I searched every single aisle. I didn't see her at all. I screamed in frustration. I quickly made my way to the front to tell them to make sure no one left the building until I found my daughter and to tell them to alert the police. I passed one aisle and looked down it to see a buggy by itself with a car seat in it.

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