Chapter 16

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*Sam's POV*

I woke with a throbbing in my head, it was horrible and I felt like I just might die. But when I realized what had happened last night, I think I want to die. James and I were on the couch, his arms wrapped tightly around me.
Jax was laying on the ground, sprawled out in his boxers.
The memories were hazy and a part of me doesn't even want to remember. Maybe we could just say that never happened..? Fat chance considering James is in the mix. That guy can never keep his mouth shut.
I got up lazily and went to go get some clothes. Damn I'm never going to get drunk again! At least not around those guys, thanks to them I stepped out of the room to find the kitchen a mess as well as the lounge.
I groan in annoyance as the pain refused to leave my head, so I walked into the kitchen to get something for my pain.
I grabbed one to many pills, but honestly, who cares I need it. I swallowed them all and leaned against the kitchen counter. Oh Shit! AUNT CLARE IS COMING HOME TODAY AND SHE COULD BE HOME AT ANY TIME AND I HAVE TWO GUYS IN THE LIVING ROOM WITH A HANGOVER!!! It all hits me suddenly.
I immediately get up and rush to the living room where James and Jaxon were sleeping.
I want to avoid the violence of the hang over so I try to be sweet and kiss James on the cheek "Baby, it's time get up." He responds with a groan as his eyes flutter open.
"Sammy..? Ugh I don't want to get up." He complains, all groggily as he grabs my arm to keep me from moving.
"Well you have too, my aunt will be here soon." I say pulling my arm away and walking to Jason as James continues to complain.
"Jax, wake up you gotta leave." I say shaking his shoulder lightly, he wasn't that drunk so I don't have to be that nice. And let's just say this now, I hate being nice. It's not natural.
Jaxson opens his eyes and looks at me "I need food, and medication. My head fucking hurts..." He whines.
"Go get it yourself!" I say, "at your own house!" I add pulling him up. "Ill give you a ride home ok?"
He glares at me but nods as I pull James up "come on I'm taking both of you home." I say feeling like a responsible mom as I walk out of the house.
We go out to my car and I throw Jaxon in the back as if he was a dead body.
James can handle himself so I let him sit in the front as I get in the drivers seat. Jaxson can just pick his car up later, there's no way I'm letting him drive in the state gets in now.
Pretty soon I dropped Jaxon off to his, not-so-happy-mother who doesn't have to know about the whole strange threesome thing last night. I think we all mentally agreed to never EVER talk about that.
But on the way back James turned to me, he was a little more awake and his hangover must not of been that bad cause he had been talking for a while now. Just about random things like school and carrots. Yeah. Carrots.
"Hey, Sammy?" he asked and I glanced over at him.
"Yeah?" I ask, he looked pretty hopeful so he's probably gonna ask for something ridiculous like to stop at a strip club on the way to his house.
"I think, we need to tell your aunt about... us... when she gets here." He said looking down at the dashboard looking unsure in his question.
He's FUCKING crazy! There's no way I'd ever tell my family about him. It's not that I hate him or anything, but he's a guy! Claire would flip I'd never hear the end of it!
"No way James." I say bluntly.
"What?" He asks. "Come on she's gonna find out one way or another." James says looking hurt.
"Look, it's not you ok... well actually it is you. My aunt thinks I like girls and that I am a normal kid who doesn't like there stupid neighbors. And that I'm not some freak who likes to have sex with there childhood friend!" I say starring ahead of the road, feeling unsure about this whole situation.
"Oh... is that how you feel?" James asks tilting his head to the side a bit. "Listen, your not a freak just because you had sex with a hot, sexy, amazing person like me! Your a handsome, smart man who doesn't take crap from anyone, and I am proud to say I'm with, and if anyone tells you differently i'll go and beat the shit out them because I love you Sam! And I want to spend the rest of my life with. No one else has ever made me feel this way before, it's only you. I can't imagine a life without you because I'm so in love with you."
I pull the car to the side of the road. "James." I say as I stop the car and turn to him.
"U-u-uh y-yes...?" He asks obviously terrified that I might beat the shit out of him.
I grab his shirt collar and pull him in forcefully, kissing him deeply. James hesitates for just a second mostly out of shock, but kisses back.
I swear my heart melted out of chest, what he said wasn't poetic or even that beautiful, but it's just what I needed right then. And it was sincere from the heart. It is honestly the sweetest thing he's ever said to me. And the thought of us being together, in fact, it sounded good at the moment. Really good.
I pulled away from the deep kiss and smiled. "James..." I whispered, out of breath from the makeout, my hands cupped on his cheeks. Our noses touching.
"Sammy..?" He asks, his hand on my side.
"I think I'm in love with you too." I said my heart beating so loud you could hear it from a million miles away.
James smiled and so did I, for once in my life I felt complete.

Hey guys! Sorry that I'm a failure and I suck at life and I'm never on wattpad but I'm going on vacation, so that means a lot of time in the car. AND THAT MEANS I HAVE TIME TO WRITE! Yay. So I'll try to write tons of chapters and post them all at the same time. XD I love you all and I hope you enjoy what I write. Thanks for the support! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

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