~Chapter 9~

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*James's P.O.V*

I wake up with my arms wrapped around Sam his face in my chest I smile. I watch his chest rise and fall softly at a slow and steady pace.

He's so cute, I can't believe it though.... is this a dream? Was it all a dream? No... it's not...

I smile once more feeling him wake up.

"Good morning." I say and Sam jerks his head up his face crimson.

"J-James...!?" He says and facepalms himself, sitting up. "God.... why did this happen?" He asks himself.

I laugh, "did you really hate it that much?" I ask him.

"Ya.". He says without hesitation. Oh wow. That was fast.

I roll my eyes at him standing up, slipping on my pants and shirt.

"Well I'm going to go home." I say with a slight smile. "Sammy?" I say.

He looks at me, "huh......?" He mutters.

"I love you!" I say and I see his face go a even darker red.

"Ya, whatever." He says.

I sigh and walk out of his room and walk over to my house next door.

*Sam's P.O.V*

God I hate that guy!!!! Why did I let him do that.... I just got to caught up in the moment.... and got swept away. God damn hormones.

One things for sure, never doing that again.

I stand up slipping on a pair of mesh shorts, and putting on a white... wait no.. cream t-shirt.

I then I hear a knock on the door.

"Comming!" I say. Then they ring the doorbell. Over and over again. I hate who ever invented the damn doorbell.

I open it to see a woman who looked to be about in her late 30's, she had brown hair and dark brown eyes. She smiled at me.

"Man have you grown." Is all she said before hugging me tightly.

"Whoa?! Who are you?!" I say pushing the woman away.

".....oh.... well it's been a long time.... I'm... your mom." She says.

No way. After all this time? Why does she show up now!? No.

I start to slam the door bit she catches it with her foot.

"Look I know you have every right to be mad at me-"

"Damn right I do!" I cut her off.

"But I just wanted to come visit you and your father!" She says. This just makes me even more mad.

"GO AWAY!" I yell at her.

"Sam!" She says


"......?!" She stops talking and looks up at my now teary face. "Derek....is... dead?" She asks. Ya take a hint woman.

"Thats kinda what I just said, and guess what?! It's your fault he committed suicide! Because he thought he wasn't good enough for anything because you left him! Not a good enough person, or a good enough worker, and.... not a good enough... father..." all these things kept spilling out of my mouth I had a rainbow of emotions, but most of all I was mad, no infuriated.

I finally kicked her leg and slammed the door closed locking it. Then sliding down to the floor and sobbing.

I heard a soft sigh on the door.

"I'll be back...." she says

"Your not my mother!" I yell

I hear foot steps slowly walk away then disappear.

I stopped crying for a little while. I can't cry anymore. She isn't the one who can make me cry anymore. Im just not going to any more.

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