Chapter 2

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As I walk into my office with Aiden, one of my receptionists came into to tell me that we had a new patient and also gave me some background information on him. Surprisingly, my patient was someone named Cameron Dallas and he had cut his heel and his feet. With that thought I carried Aiden over to the other side of the room and put him in my little crib I always kept for emergencies and got my needle and thread out. I completed anything before I called the patients in. After a good 5 minutes I was finally ready to start my job. I went outside for one second carrying Aiden with me and called my new patient Mr.Dallas. As I called them I saw all 9 of them get up so of course I would be needing more chairs right??? Everyone followed behind Aiden and I.  I got into the room and asked if they would watch Aiden one second while I got some chair across the hall. I'm sure they couldn't kidnap my child while I'm right across the hall. I quickly got 7 more chairs and a little toy for Aiden to play with. When I got back into the room I looked at the crib but didn't see him in there until I looked at my right to see the one and only Hayes Grier holding the son he didn't know about. Carefully rocking Aiden back and forth. I cleared my throat then continued setting up the chairs. Hayes started tickling Aiden. He started laughing and everyone awed. When they realized I was back they cleared their throats and Hayes apologized and put him back in his crib.

"It's ok I dont mind you guys playing with him. Once he's happy I'm happy." I said

"Aw that's so sweet and thanks" A older blue eyed boy said.

I then started to ask questions like how did the incident happen. Apparently they were shooting a video and things got messy and out of control.

"After examining I would say he needed surgery." I said. The look on camerons face was priceless. After a moment of silence I told them it was a joke and they all laughed. When we were finish making fun of Cameron. I got down to business and told them the real deal. He wasn't as frightened but still a little terrified.

While the stitching procedure.
"So whats all of your names" I said.
"Really I didn't know" I said replying back to Cameron
Jack G
Jack J
Taylor with a wink included afterward
"Ok" I laughed
At this last name my heart dropped reminding me of all the times we had together.
"Wow ok" I said.
"And who's this little guy" Shawn said.
"This is Aiden my son." I said

Two miutes later the procedure was done. But I had to keep Cameron there for two hours to make sure he's good and tell him what not to do.

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