Chapter 9

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Kehlani P.O.V.
I watched as Hayes helped Aiden ride the bike. It was so adorable I had to take pictures. As I was watching them I couldn't help but think what our life could of been if Hayes had knew from the start. Would he have stayed still or left? But if he would of stayed our family might of been complete and possibly could of been another baby on the way. Although I might not have even been where I am today. A strong, independent woman who followed her dreams and pursued in medical school, even with a kid she got through the struggle. I got so lost in my thoughts I didn't even realize that Hayes was calling me.
"Kehlani""Kehlani" get here fast- Hayes shouted
I couldn't help but think something bad happened. As I ran down the short hill in front of me I looked down to see Aiden on the floor bleeding on his arm.
"Aiden""Are you ok?What happened Hayes?"- I asked as calmly as I could.
"Well, Aiden decided he was old enough and such a pro in riding his bike that he got the confidence to ride down the hill but as I was recording him a bird flew in front of the bike and he turned to handle so he won't run of the bird"-Hayes said
"Awe, well the cut isn't big, he probably just have to get 2-4 stitches, but he'll be fine"
We walked over back to the car and put all of the stuff away half of the stuff Hayes didn't even get to teach Aiden but he promised us another day. As we were driving back home I noticed Aiden fell asleep.
"Awe he looks just like you when he's sleeping"-I said
"Kehlani, I can't help but think that it's all my fault that Aiden had to get stitches he's too young for them. I should of never let him take that risk"-Hayes said
"Hayes, it's not your fault it's no ones fault. When Aiden was a year old we were playing that game where you throw the baby up I the air and catch them back, I had accidentally threw Aiden a little to high and he ended up with a big blue bump on the top of his head."-I said
"The point is that parents are gonna make mistakes and that's all to it. No one in the world is a perfect parent. Everyone has they're flaws no ones perfect, so don't try to be""Just try to be the best!"-I said
"I've missed your wise words Kehlani"-Hayes laughed
As we got home Hayes got Aiden out of the car and we left the rest of the stuff in the trunk assuming we were going tomorrow. When we got inside I immediately grabbed my first aid kit and stitched Aiden brand new. Later that day Hayes and I spent the day watching movies and catching up on each other while Aiden was either sleeping or playing his game.

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