Chapter 14

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Kehlani P.O.V.
Hayes had just gotten off the phone.
"Daddy" Aiden screamed
"Oh hey buddy what's wrong"Hayes answered
"Mommy wouldn't let me jump on the chairs in the waiting room" Aiden said pouting
"Oh, how could she?" Hayes said looking at me
"You can't just go jumping on the chairs. First of all their not ours and second of all a hospital waiting room is not a playground it is a government place. Which mean we could get kicked out and get a very big fine." I said sternly
"But I wanna jump on the couches!" Aiden whined
"Ok, look I'll make a deal with you, if you behave in the hospital for just three more hours until my shift is over, we'll go to the pool and later, you can jump on anything until 11:00pm." I said pleasingly
"Hmmmm..."Aiden said
"You should really take this deal Aiden, its past your bedtime and I know your mother doesn't make deals too often." Hayes said with a chuckle
"You're right its two hours past my bed time, I'LL TAKE IT!"Aiden said
"Ok let's go, it's a deal" I said walking inside
When we got back inside we went back to Hayes room.
"Mommy is it ok if I go see Dr. Loady?" Aiden asked
"Umm I'm pretty sure he's busy at the moment. Sorry hun." I said nicely
"Then can I go play in the kids room""Pleaseeeeeeee"Aiden begged
I took a minute then said
"Fine, 30 minutes and then I'm gonna come and get you" I said willingly
"How about an hour" Aiden said negotiating
"How about none?" I said sternly
"Uh I'll take the half an hour!Bye!" Aiden said racing out of the room
Hayes and I started laughing
"So I'm guessing you heard me on the phone right?" Hayes said quietly
"Yea" I answered quietly
"Hayes I know it's your job so if you have to go it's ok. I'm not gonna lie but I thought you knew about this before. This morning on my way to the hospital I heard Bart talking about going on tour again. I thought you had known and I had gotten really mad cause I thought you weren't gonna tell me." I said calmly
"Kehlani, I would never leave you or Aiden, I just got my life back I don't wanna go on tour again. Tour can't be any better than what I have right now...a family who needs me just as much as I need them." Hayes said
To be honest there's nothing better Hayes could of said at this moment. That was the sweetest thing I've ever heard.
"You always had a way with words too" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek and a hug
Wow I really think that this time it's not just fun and games. Hayes is serious about all this. He's not in it for the months he's in it for the years.
After a while of just sitting down watching tv and answering tweets it was about time to pick up Aiden.
I walked to the kiddie room to find Aiden sitting down crying. I quickly ran over to him.
"What's wrong Aiden?" I said worryingly
"A kid took the toy I was playing with and then kicked me." He said crying
"Awwww I'm so sorry baby, where is he?" I said angrily
"He left just now with his mom" Aiden said
"Did this happen before his mom came or when she was here?" I asked
"She watched him kicked me and then pulled him out and left" he said calming down
"Ok I'm so sorry I wasn't here, let's get back to the room and I'll make sure your fine." I said
"But wait mommy I wanna play with one of the toys here" he said sadly
"Ok you can take one to the room that we're in and I'll let the nurses know" I said
"Yay!!!"he cheered
I looked to my right to see Aiden picking up an etch sketch to take back
Immediately it took me back to the first time Hayes asked me on a date. We were babysitting his little sister and he didn't want Nash to hear so he had taken up Sky's etch sketch and wrote "Will you please be my date this Friday Night?" I automatically erased it and wrote "Yes" in five different ways. Soon after the flashback we had arrived at Hayes room.
"Hey gu-oh my god what's wrong Aiden?" Hayes said worryingly
"Nothing, I just had my first bully"Aiden said casually
"What do you mean what happened?!Kehlani!" Hayes said frustrated
"Well, I'll let Aiden explain." I said happily
"This is what happened daddy, this boys about my age or older tried to take my toy and when I didn't give it to him he kicked me." Aiden said calmly
"What so you didn't fight fire with fire or anything you just let him go." Hayes said gets angry
"Yea, mommy always taught me to be the bigger person and never to never raise your hand unless you get hit more than three times. After the third punch she said to knock them the heck out." Aiden said laughing
"Yuuupppp that's true. Why waste a your good looking knuckles on someone who doesn't deserve it." "Right?" I said
"Yeah of course she's totally right" Hayes said agreeing
Hayes P.O.V.
Right after I heard those words I knew it had to be true. It's definitely not the same Kehlani I used to know, that Kehlani put a girl in the hospital just for slapping her. I couldn't believe my ears or eyes. I wonder how she managed to keep her anger down.

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