Chapter 10

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Hayes P.O.V.
I woke up to find Kehlani laying her head on my shoulder and Aiden on the other couch safe and sound.I tried my best not to make any movements. I looked down and saw how peaceful Kehlani looked I couldn't help but to take a picture. As I snapped, I didn't realize my volume was all the way up. The sound of the camera woke her up.
"Taking pictures of me now Grier?" She asked
"I couldn't help it you just looked so cute" I said
As she moved to get up I pulled her back down.
"Stay,please"I said. I didn't want her to leave I just wanted to be next to her and embrace everything about her. The way he hair smells to the way her toes curl.
"Fine."She said
We laid there side by side. I couldn't help but notice it was too quiet so I started a conversation.
"Do you have any plans for the day?" I asked
"Well, I have to leave at 10:00am for my shift at the hospital, I won't get off until 2:30pm and at 9:30 I have to drop Aiden off at daycare." She said
"Oh, well don't worry about Aiden I can watch him for the day. We can spend some time to get to know each other. I'll take him over to the Cameron and Nash's house and we can go in the pool." I said
"Ok,yeah that'll be exciting I'll pack his clothes and his floaties. Just please be careful and watch him at all times."She said
I can see she was very unsure of Aiden going with me. But I wanna prove to her that I can take care of Aiden and be a good dad.
It was now 7:30am. I walked to the kitchen and decided to make breakfast while Kehlani was showering. I took out the frying pan and grabbed a skillet. I the bacon on the skillet while I scrambled the eggs. As I heard the shower turn off the eggs had just finished and the toast just popped out of the toaster. I quickly took out three plates of food and set the food nicely. I also place orange juice next to each plate on the table and waited silently. I suddenly realized Aiden wasn't awake yet. I quickly walked over to him and tried to get him up.
"Hey buddy."I said
"Hey Daddy what's wrong"He asked
"Nothing,I made breakfast and guess what?" I said
"What?"He asked
"You get to spend the whole day with me at uncle Nash and Cameron's house. We're gonna go swimming in their pool."I said
"Really,I've never gone swimming before."he said excitedly
"Really, your mom loves swimming how come she's never taken you?"I questioned. How can she not have ever gone swimming since Aiden was born it was our favorite thing to do and her favorite way to relax. It was like when ever she's in the water she's feels at peace and calm about everything. It was where I told her I was going on tour every year. I turned around to see Kehlani staring at me and Aiden. She was all dressed up and can I just say she looked so pretty. Every though she was just in her uniform she looked beautiful. She walked down stairs and walked over to Aiden.
"Hey baby" she said
"Mommy, did daddy tell you?" He said
"Tell me what Aiden?" She replied
"I'm going swimming today!!!!"Aiden shouted
"Oh yesss, aren't you excited?!"she said laughing
"Yes,aren't you coming to?"Aiden said
"I'll come after my shift ok, I promise"she said entwining her pinky finger around his.
"Yay😊"He said entwining his finger around hers.
They are honestly the cutest ever I couldn't have wished for anyone different.
We walked over to the table and ate. We had a good time talking about all the stuff we had plan to do and telling Aiden some of Kehlani and I memories from when we were young,(Adele reference). After 20 minutes of fun we knew it had to end sometime. Kehlani had to continue with her day and move on. As she left she quickly kissed Aiden on the cheek and said goodbye.
"I don't get one" I said with a pouting face.
"Yeah mommy you missed daddy."Aiden said
"Fine." She said and walked over
As she leaned in to kiss me on my cheek I suddenly turned my face. For some reason she didn't pull away. I could still feel the love and passion in our kiss. It wasn't just some kiss, it was the kiss. I guess we just longed each other for some long that we didn't realize we needed that. After a good 30 seconds she quickly pulled away and said "I must be heading out now. Bye guys" As she walked out she blowed kisses to us and closed the door.
"Daddy, are you and mommy gonna get back together?" Aiden asked
"I hope" I said
"I think you should ask her out on a date" He said
"Really?" I said chuckling"Well, how should I ask her."I asked
"I have an idea"He said
Kehlani P.O.V.
As I was driving I couldn't help but feel like that kiss was just a kiss cause it wasn't. It felt romantic, dreamy and just passionate. When I kissed Hayes I felt the fireworks everything going off at once. After a few moments of thinking I turned on the radio. At the moment it was on The Disney Radio stationed. I decided to change it when I got to another red light. As I was driving almost approaching the traffic light. I heard Bart on the radio. He was thinking about reuniting Magcon and doing another tour. Great I thought to myself. Just when I started getting close to him he's gonna take off again. I immediately turned off the radio not wanting to hear about it anymore and continued driving, As I reached at the hospital I pulled into my parking space and continued walking inside. Usually 10:00am in the morning aren't very busy so I sat down in the break room until I was called. Around 10:30am there had been a really bad accident and they were sending the ambulances on the way. As they pulled in I saw a toddler on one bed and A tall dark hair blues eyes on the other. It couldn't be I thought to myself. Dr.Woods, we have a drunk crash. The patients are Hayes Grier and Aiden Grier. Hayes need medical attention right now, while Aiden just had a scratch and a stitch wound open. I immediately put on my gloves and hurried into Hayes room. He had a fractured rib and broken arm. Thank god it wasn't that bad as I thought to myself but then Hayes started complaining about his back I quickly but carefully turned him around it was a piece of glass from the window. Apparently when he turned around to protect Aiden from any glass flying to the back he got a piece straight to his spine. I quickly called down the best surgeon in the hospital to do Hayes procedure. To my luck he didn't have anyone else to work on. While Hayes was in the surgery room I went to check on Aiden. Doctor Green my best friend stitched him up brand new. He also took care of everything else Aiden needed help with. I sat down next to Aiden to ask him what happened. He said "Daddy and I were singing my favorite song when all of a sudden he realized the man on the left at the intersection wasn't going to stop. He tried his best for us to get across safe but the man was swerving all over daddy tried to step on his gas a little more but he was afraid I would get hurt when he realized we were gonna crash he backed the car up a little so it can hit the front of the car on the passenger side so we would be ok."
"Is daddy gonna be ok mommy?" He asked
"Yes of course. He needs to get better to take you swimming right?"I said
"Oh yeah!"He said
"Okay Aiden stay here with Uncle Adam(his nickname for Dr.Green) while I go call Uncle Nash and let him know what I happened.
I went outside and gave Nash a call after three rings he picked up.
"Oh hey Kehlani, if you're calling for Hayes or Aiden they aren't here yet." He said
My voice was trembling. " Yeah, I know Nash I need you to come down to the hospital they got in an accident" I said crying
"Oh god, are they ok?" Nash said worryingly
"Hayes in surgery a glass got stuck in his spine and he had a fractured rib with a broken arm"I said
"And Aiden?"Nash said
"Aiden he's fine thanks to Hayes protecting him" I said
"Okay that's good, hey Kehlani don't worry Hayes is a survivor. He'll live''Nash said
For some reason those words made me feel a lot better. He is a survivor I mean if he can get through a dirt accident he can get through this little accident too right?
"Okay,see you in a bit Nash. And please let the other know I really don't feel like talking to anyone right now." I said
"No problem I'll let them know and get there as fast as I can."

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