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(Colleen's pov)~~
It was discussing. We threw up everywhere. It tasted like burnt toast. I don't know how, but it did. I go to bed not long after because I'm going apartment hunting tomorrow. I'm hoping to find a perfect apartment that I can live in till I find someone to buy a house with. And to stay in that house permanently

(Josh's pov)~~
Pretty much everything in my new place is set up and placed. I'm obsessed with my little apartment. I make my coffee sit on my couch and just look around me. I sigh and smile looking outside. Not long after I get a knock on the door. I answer the door and behind it I see a pretty lady. Beautiful blonde hair, pretty blue eyes. "Hi, I'm Heather. I know you moved and I just wanted to give you these and welcome you." She says handing me a basket of blueberry muffins. "Thank you so much Heather. I'm Joshua." I introduce myself and shake her hand. She seems really sweet. I close the door and smile I set the basket of muffins on the dining table. I take one and taste it. These are pretty dang good. They remind me of my mommas muffins she always made me and my siblings when we were really little.
And I think I just made myself a friend in the building. That could be a good thing because I don't have any family here and only a few friends in Los Angeles. Today is Saturday. A lazy day. Everyday is pretty much a lazy day. I go out sometimes and get Starbucks and work out from time to time. But today I go out get my Starbucks. And that's it to go out. The rest of the day I stay inside and stock pile videos, like Q&As I call Dingle Mingles. Also challenges I call 'Josh Does' and then I eventually fall asleep on the couch at 3pm.

(Colleen's pov)~~

I found a perfect apartment. Room 203. It's perfect for just me, and if I do meet someone it's a perfect size for two people. I move in next week. Rent isn't that bad with how I'm doing on YouTube so I'm good. With both YouTube Channels growing I'm sure I'll be just fine.

Thanks Queens👑
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Hope you enjoyed💯
Love y'all💜

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