Chapter 14: Stay out of it.

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Walking further we saw a crowd gathered in a circle near the football ground. 

I fought my way through the crowd, my ears blasting by the sound of yelling of the people, in the front of the gathering, I saw Lou and Tyler holding each other by their collars, Lou had many bruises on his arms and face, while Tyler's lip was bleeding. I couldn't say a word, I was too shocked, what is happening? Why are the fighting? How can someone be so immature? 

"You stay the hell away from her. You get it?" Lou yell at Tyler.

"Who are you to say that, huh? Her gay best friend?" Tyler mocked Lou, and just like that, he gave Tyler a punch square on his face.

"You bastard!" Tyler spat.

"All I am saying is, stay away from her." Lou said calmly.

"I won't." Tyler whispered.

"Why?!" Lou yelled, frustrated.

"She's mine, that's why. You sat away from her." Tyler yelled.

This is going out of control. I have to do something.

'She's mine.' His?! No!

They both hit each other after the exchange of wordings.

"Stop it! BOTH OF YOU! JUST STOP! OKAY?!" At this point my tears were falling. How can someone be so immature and stupid? Lou wasn't saying anything wrong, it was Tyler who sounded and acted like a five year old.

They didn't listen to me, they won't, they were too busy hitting each other.

I thought violence is wrong, but they aren't listening to me and I am a black belt in Karate. So I got in between the fight, kicked Tyler and hit him on his shoulders, punched his on the face and threw a few punches towards Lou, the entire school watched me, both Tyler and Lou watched me with terror.

"Get back to your work, all of you! And you both, shut the fuck up, I am a human, not material, you do or do you not understand that?!" I yelled.

With that everyone left and both their heads hung low. 

"I knew that side of you would come out some day." Ali smirked.

"They-" I pointed towards both Tyler and Lou, "were going out of control." I smirked back.

Ali laughed and me, I just felt sympathetic towards the boys. They were hurt. They needed medical attention. Heck, both of them were bleeding. "Take Lou with you, make sure he's alright." I whispered to Ali, she nodded, I smiled at Lou who seemed to be glaring Tyler.

"Oi! Fighter boy! Follow me." I smiled. I sounded brave once in my lifetime.

He did as I said, sat beside me in my car and didn't say a word till we reached my home. I leaded him inside my home.

"Sit there." I pointed towards the chair in the living room. He obediently followed my order and sat.

I went to grab the First Aid box from the kitchen and walked towards Tyler.

"I didn't know you had it in you, I thought you weren't going to continue those karate classes from all those years ago." Tyler mumbled silently. I smiled.

"I guess I thought it would be good for me if I had something for my defence." I said, shy again. Not that brave me is going to be there for long. He winced once I wiped off the blood on his face with clean wipes and antiseptic. I slowly wrapped the bandages on his shoulder.

"You looked hot." He said, smirking. 

I sigh, "Look what you did today wasn't good, it was wrong, you have no right over me, I am not yours of instance and moreover you can't just kiss me, we are just friends. Oh and Lou isn't gay, so don't call him gay." I said.

"Melody, I won't say sorry for kissing you or pulling out any stunts from earlier today, you are mine." He said.

"No, I am not. We are just friends." I looked at him, curious, what's going on in his mind?

"Why can't I call Louis gay, huh? He is gay." He ignored my previous comeback.

"He. Is. Not. Gay." I yelled, shutting my eyes, frustrated.

"He is." He said.

"Look I like him, okay?! Don't you dare say any suck things about him. I didn't kiss you back today because I didn't feel anything between you and me, no sparks, I did, with Lou. I like him." I whispered, my voice cracked.


Tyler didn't look hurt, he didn't look like I expected him to. He just laughed.

"You love me. Not him, you don't even like him." I said.

"I do." I said bravely. I guess that worked because Tyler's eyes darkened, he grabbed me by my waist, staring at me intensely. Pushed me towards the wall, I tried to escape his grip but he ended up grabbing my wrist tightly.

"Let go!" I whimpered. He didn't.

"Please! Tyler, you are hurting me." I whimpered, yet again.

"You can't do this to me, you are mine." He whispered.

"I like him, Tyler." I said yet again.

"You can't." 

"Why can I not?! You can have, hav- you know th-that with those girls." I said.

"Sex?" He asked. I nodded. 

"You are so naive and innocent, love." My eyes widened when his lips brushed across my neck. His grip on my waist again. "But if you really like him, I don't care, I will get you, make you mine, cage you if I have to, but what's mine is mine." Tyler whispered huskily. Shivers ran up my spines. Sparks ignited ever since his presence was around me.

"Then tell me, tell me where you went all those years ago. Tell me, I need to know." I said, my eyes pleading for him to tell me.

"I will, when time comes." He said.

"You don't like the way I dressed up today, right?" I asked. He nodded.

"Then let's have a deal, I will stop wearing them if you let me know." I said. 





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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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