Chapter 11: Why not give Mr.Popular a shock?

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The film went fine. I didn't talk to him until he annoyed the shit out of me. I felt like crying. Why? Because believe it or not I was starting to have a pull towards him. In ways I never felt before.

Yes I can not call this strange feeling love but yes it is still something. That I am sure will turn out to be love. But leave all that. I had to show him it meant nothing to me and he was just a friend.


It was crazy

What was crazy?

Ali had come out with her so called AMAZING plan that involved me being in a 'fake' relationship with her cousin that was moving here a week later. I had met her cousin before. No lying, he was hot, very hot. But that doesn't mean I am going to agree to her stupid idea. She told she wanted to make Tyler pay. For being a bitch to her sister, I truly appreciate her being over protective of me.

But this, my darling is on a whole new level. I mean, how would Tyler pay? He didn't even care about me...



Yes, it is obvious he does not care about me. Not even a tad bit. But then again why would he kiss me? Why would he say he never regretted that kiss? Why would he want to be a friend to me? He cares right?


My subconscious shouted. Okay then. I will do what Ali says because this once in my life I want to surrender to her. Ali is no doubted intelligent. Although I am stubborn, she still surrenders to me all the time. So why let the history repeat itself? I will let her lead me this once.

And deep down I knew that Ali could never be wrong. Right now Ali was staring at me furiously. She gave me a look that clearly said that she wasn't going to let me win this once.

So Louis, I guess your cousin is going to make me fake date you.

"Here, Mel talk to Louis. He agrees with me too. Please listen up." She said as I took the phone from her and brought it to my ears.

"H-hello?" I whispered.

"Melody?" He said.

"Yes." I replied. Okay this is awkward.

"Dude, you can't let that guy eat your brain. Don't be a fool Mel, we are your friends, we would always want the best for you. Even thought we have met each other once or twice I know what type of girl you are and yes you are my friend. Act Mel, don't keep stopping yourself. Ali told me you are a stubborn girl, right?" He asked.

"Hmm. Yes, I am one stubborn person." I muttered.

"And you get what you want?" He asked.

"Yes. I do." I replied. It was true, if I wanted straight As I would get it... If I wanted Ali to surrender to me it would happen. Anything.

"Then this time make your want be Tyler and get him. And show him he can't mess with you." He said. Okay I would be lying if I said that my emotions from angry went to sad to aggressive and finally to confidence.

I smirked at this.

"Game on baby." I said as confidently as I could.

"So my future fake girlfriend, I would like to say I am proud of you." He said. I could feel him smirking.

"OH MY. OH MY GOD. I am so darn proud of you. My best friend is awesome." Ali squealed and shrieked.

"And my best friend is equally as awesome. Nah scratch that, she is the best!" I said as I hugged her. She ruffled my hair, like I was a dog or something and then smiled showing all her 32 teeth set and I am sure I was doing the same.

"So now, you skip a few days until Louis comes back, when he does you do with a new makeover, you both act like you are friends and one day in front of the entire cafeteria Louis proposes to you and you say yes and kiss. How is that Louis?" She said. I forgot Louis was still on the phone and Ali had switch speaker option in her phone.

"Sounds like a plan but wait, first I get to build my reputation right? I can't simply just enter the school with you guys. I would look like a gay." He said as we both laughed.

"Yes idiot you do get to earn a reputation first, then you throw a party and then after a week or so you propose to her." Ali yelled.

"Fine. Ali bitch? I've got to go now. Packing and shit, mom just told me we are moving out in two days. Sounds like I get to meet my FFG soon huh?" He asked.

"FFG?" I questioned.

"Ali bitch?" Ali shouted the same time I asked the question.

"Yes Ali you are our bitch. Just don't shout and stuff. I didn't mean it that way, okay? And Mel FFG stands for future fake girlfriend."

"Ooh, but do you think Tyler would be jealous?" I asked.

Louis groaned.

"You idiot, all you do is act normal with Tyler. And I am sure after what Tyler did he is not just going to be jealous, he is going to burn and the smell of it would travel all around the globe." Ali answered.

"Way to go you people. Sound like a pretty good plan. But what am going to when I skip school days? What if teachers notice and call my parents?" I asked. Seeing Ali has hung up her phone call with Louis.

"Tell the teachers you were sick and me well, teachers don't even notice me and our parents are too oblivious to notice. They are always in some part of the world and to answer the first question, we get you a new wardrobe and a new stuff along with well let's call it a makeover." Ali said.

I took a deep breath out, not even realizing I was holding on it.

"Fine Ali Beli." I said laughing.

"Oh and babe? I knew you would agree to this, so I brought you the gift I didn't give you on your birthday last year." She said.

Yes it was right, last year on my birthday she said she would come out with her gift any time of the year. And I would be surprise as hell. Not that I wanted one but she said she was planning on it for too long. It was my 18th birthday and she wanted it to be special.

So yeah I wanted to know what I got.

I went out and saw a silver Lamborghini, my jaw dropped. Heck I must have looked like an idiot right now and I didn't care and started jumping up and down.


"Here you go, I had to beg my parents for months and finally they agreed." She said as she handed me the keys.



Oh god. GUYS! Are you excited? I hope you are.

It's a new chapter in Mel's life after all.

And so sorry for the gap, I was on my vacations and then well when I came back tragedy happened, my grandpa died. R.I.P. grand dad.

To say I am fine with that and didn't cry about it is an understatement. Yes. It was hard. But anyway life moves on right? And just for that god decided to make me engage my mind.

Well then exams started.

And its still going on. It's half yearly but the day after tomorrow is the last and it is English so I don't mind.


And oh if you have any question about me in your mind you could ask, not that I think you would but I decided I needed to tell stuff about my self to you guys. Right?

Yeah, right. I begin from next chapter. There will be two facts about me till the end of the book!

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