chapter 9

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Ok so my cousin Tabi asked why I was so mad at Liam in this book... well it is because when they kidnapped me Liam helped them and didn't help me. I though he liked me but know I think I was just a trick. Hoped that helped.


Liam left and I was talking to Harry.

H: i think we should play a game to help you bond with the boys sound good?

M: Ok.

We walked down stairs. Harry went and talked to the boys.

N: So does truth or dare sound good to you lili?

M: Yea I love this game

H: Who do you wanna sit by?

M: Umm can I sit by you and Louis?

Louis gets the most shocked face ever and I want to laugh

M: Umm lou can I talk to you?

LT: Yea

We walk over top the kitchen and he sits in a chair and I sit on the island

M: Ok so I was talking to harry and he said that I should talk to you. i mean you are one of my favorites in the band. i love you randomness and your love for carrots. so what i am trying to say is....that...I....I forgive you. can you forgive me for hating you?

LT: aww lili yes and i am happy that you forgive me. and one question? can i have a hug?

M: of course!

he gives me a hug. it is a nice hug. we open the door to join the other boys we it opens the boys fall over i start laughing but stop when liam looks like he hates me. ok then

H: so lets start

we all sit down me next to louis, then niall, zayn, liam, then harry was also next to me.

Z: can i go first

all: yea

Z: louis truth or dare?

LT: dare

Z: ok i dare you to switch liam spots till the end of the game

LT: really?! that is a lame dare

liam and louis switch spots now liam is sit by me great

LP: ok lili truth or dare

M: truth

LP: are you a big fan of the band

M:  yea

BOYS: yeeaaa!!!!!

i just laugh

M: ok niall truth or dare

N: dare

M: ok i dare you to call the 4th person on your contacts list and tell them that you popped your pants

LP: good one

we high 5 and laugh

N: ughh do i have to

M: yes

niall pulls out his phone. man i wish i had my own phone

N: but its my mum

 M: haha you still have to do it

he calls the number puts it speaker and it rings after the 3rd ring she answers

NM: hello niall i miss you so much

N: i miss you to mum but i need to tell you something i-i pooped my pants

he hangs the phone up and his cheeks turn red we all start laughing. i laugh so hard that harry and i  fall onto each other.

N: harry truth or dare

H: dare

N: ok lets see dare you to have lilian sit in your lap till your next turn

harry picks me up and puts me on his lap. i just lean back and rest against him.

H: louis truth or dare

LT: truth

H: do you like lilian?

LT: unmm ( his cheeks get really red) ummm y-yes

M: aww lou come give me a hug

He walks over and gives me a hug. we smile at each other before he goes to sit down

LT: zayn truth or dare

Z: dare

 LT: I dare you to go a week with out your mirror

Z: what?!?

LT: yep

Z: whatever

Z: lilian truth or dare

L: truth

Z: who was you favorite in the band

M: well it was l-liam

when I say that I run up stairs into my room a shut the door. that was the question I did not want to be asked.


A/N so another long chapter. hope you like please tell your friends about this please!! and i updated two days in a row yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so tell your friends please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i love you my little fish


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