chapter 11

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after we got home harry helped me carry my bags upstairs. we put them all away and let me say louis is very good at picking out clothes. total i had 25 pairs of skinny jeans and like 50 shirts. also 10 pairs of shoes. i had harry stay and help me figure out my phone. after we get done he asks me what my twitter name is and i tell him and he follows me. i instantly go from the 10 followers i had to like 100.

H: it comes with being famous

he takes a pic of us together and puts it on twitter. there were so many people telling me how lucky i am. and there were a few haters saying things like back off harry is mine bitch or go die in a hole. haha they just make me laugh i don't care what other people say. harry tells me to follow him so i do. we walk over to nialls room and he is sitting on his bed with a mouth full of food. harry gets ready to take a picture but stop him i pull out my phone an snap a pic. harry tells me to post it on twitter so i do and i and i make sure to mention him in it. he picks up his phone and his mouth drops i he follows me cause he is awesome

N: LILIAN!!!!!!!!!

M: oh crap

he gets out of his bed and starts to chase me down the stairs. he almost falls down the stairs and i laugh.

N: you are going to get it princess

M: never!!!

he stairs to gain on me so i run into the kitchen and louis and zayn where in there.

M: help me help me

i run behind them when niall rushes in

N: where is she

Z: why what did she do

niall pulls out his phone and shows them the picture. they both laugh and the move out of the way. i dash around the island and back into the living room. liam is sitting on the couch.

L: umm lilian?

M: no time to explain

i run then jump over the couch and look up to see a very impressed and confused liam. also a very angry leprechaun. niall walks over to me.

N: now that i have caught you i must now tickle you. BOYS!

harry and louis walk over and hold my hands down. niall starts to tickle me i intently start laughing. this is terrible.

M: p-please s-s-stop

N: hahaha never your cute when you laugh

i break out of harry and louis grip and jump up.


i say that and run up stairs to my room. i sit on the bed out of breath. it is now about 12am so i get ready for bed. i was sitting on my bed scrolling through twitter when someone knocks on my door. i slowly open it and when i see that it is niall i quickly shut the door.

N: hey hey hey im done with that

i re-open the door and let him in

M: hey whats up

N: well i came to tell you that me harry and louis are going to bed and zayn and liam are in liams room watching a movie together.

M: ok anything else you want

N: oh yea louis told me to tell yout that there are some bad storms that are going to come throw and that if you need anything feel free to wake any of us up.

M: ok thank you niall goodnight

N: goodnight princess

he gives me a famous horan hug and walks out if the room. i quickly brush my teeth and hope the storms wont be bad. i get in bed and fall asleep.

mom! dad! whats going on? BOOM! BOOM! LUKE? cora? BOOM! BOOM! HELP!

i wake up from my dream crying BOOM! crap is i storming i get out of bed and run to the nearest room. i knock on the door no one answers. BOOM! i open the door and run over to the bed i can't see who it is but i try to wake them up. BOOOOM! the loudest crack of thunder come and i yell


i am crying very hard now

LP: lilian? whats wrong

he doesn't know i am crying until the next crack of thunder. BOOM! i let out a whimper

LP: oh crap you i remember know what you told us during truth or dare.

it thunders again and i jump into his arms he just holds me there until i realise that zayn is now awake

Z: do you want ti spend the night in here lilian?

M: yes please

i get in the bed and lay between liam and zayn. i lean over into zayn's chest before the next crack of thunder. BOOM!

M: zayn?!?

Z: it will be ok minnow i am here for you

LP: and so am i

i fall asleep in zayns arms. it was a very nice to feel safe for once maybe i can trust.


ok so what do you think will she really forgive zayn and liam or will they mess it up. and sorry it was short

what team are you on





or zayn

goodbye me fishes

~Minnow Xx

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