Chapter 6

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"We should find Vylad." I say as the air gets cooler. With a 'You're right.' from Dylan we make our way our the circle of houses looking for the boy that wanted to be my friend those years ago. "Vylad!" Dylan shouted from right next to me. He also got a few stares from the other residents here. "Don't do that!" I hushed "What happened to you having an argument with a random guy indent of a crowd of people that you don't even know?" Dylan teased his dark hair being ruffled by the wind. "Let's just find Vylad." I mumble.

And that's what we do, we go around the circle of houses and eventually found Vylad on a chair by some porch stairs. He didn't notice us yet but Dylan caught his attention. "You know porch chairs should really be on porches." He remarked light heartedly. Vylad turned around in surprise and nearly knocked over his chair, spilling his body onto the ground in the process. "Geez I thought you guys would find me already!" Vylad teased. Through all my years knowing these two I've always noticed they liked to tease each other with me caught in the middle like a web. "We'll meet up tomorrow morning  right on Dylan's porch, ok?" I ask my friends wig them agreeing with me in response.

Hearing a bell I realize that Rob must want us inside because Night One was about to begin. Walking away from Vylad me and Dylan reach our paths to our 'homes'.  Stepping onto my path I feel something warm latch onto my arm. "Lucina." It was Dylan holding my upper arm with his right hand. "I want you to promise me something ok?" He asked. Staring at my friend in confusion I ask him what it was about and he answered me "It's about this Night One. I want you-no I need you to promise me that I'll see tomorrow and the day after that. I want you to promise me that you'll live." Dylan said a bit urgently. I look at him right in the eyes admiring their blue and green color. We never really figured out what color they were because honestly the word color or anything associated with it next to never was even said at the School. Then I take in his facial features. His rosy cheeks that were pale when he had a blank expression on and his eyebrows when he looked so concerned for my or Vylads well being.
"I can promise that I'll live to see you smile on the other side." I respond to his promise calmly with gentle eyes and pulling my arm out of his grasp in the process.

Leaving his side and heading to my house I close the door behind me and here a clicking sound and try for the door again. It's locked, great I think.

Walking upstairs I go and change into basic nightwear that this place provided and tried to go to sleep until they called upon the doctor, until they called upon me.

"Wake up. Wake up." A buzzing sound said causing me to jolt out of bed. Looking over to the side table I see that the clock says. 1:38 am great. Hopping out of the bed I get ready as much as I need to, grab the mask that's been tucked away under my bed and head downstairs. The door looked different. Right next to my role sheet there's a list of people all of the people being kept here with buttons next to them. Above the list says as follows: Choose wisely Lucina Reed and move quickly. Your target for healing will be dead-if injured-by sunrise. Wonderful, ju~at wonderful.

Well now let's think. No one is really a target for a first night so what I should do is see who looks the most targeted by a random killing. Like a light switch one name pops into my mind: Ella Williams. She was the first vote for the random lynch. Honestly I would say myself but I'd be less likely to be targeted because if he did kill then everyone would know that he was on the evil side. Other than to Michael Rose I've been pretty shy acting towards the other people here who I don't quite know yet.

Pressing the button to Ella Williams my door unlocks itself (and checking the time to make sure that it's 2:00 am-it is)and I step through. The moment I leave the door silently locks itself back into place. If I wasn't right I front of the door I wouldn't even have noticed the door closing. Pulling on my mask with a Red Cross on it I see a door a few houses down from me with a Red Cross being lit on the door. My target: Ella Williams. Let's go and check in on her. Moving quietly I race across the small courtyard that we have and open the door to Ella's house with ease. Closing the door behind me I hear another quiet snap. Another locking noise meaning another door locked. Walking upstairs I call out to her. "Ella? Ella Williams?" I whisper trying to change the sound of my voice so during the day she won't be able to tell its me. Reaching Ella's room I notice that she's still in bed and sleeping. Most importantly Ella Williams is alive and since I'm the last role I didn't have to worry about her. Stepping down the stairs cautiously I open the door with a quiet snap as it unlocks itself and then another snap when it locks again.

Sprinting across the distance between our houses I rush into my own having it tightly and securely locked behind me. I walk over to the windows and notice that they're pitch black so it's no wonder if people try to look out their windows but with no success. Moving upstairs I rip my mask off and slip it under the bed and go to the bathroom.

After doing my business I walk over to my bed and go under the covers hoping no one died in the morning.

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