Chapter 4

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I'm woken up from a dreamless sleep by rays of light going in my eyes. How I know that is because right now I'm on the floor of my room rolling away from the light. "Stop it!" I hiss out.


A bell chimed from the distance. How could a bell be in the neighborhood? It was never there before. Stumbling up I turn around and find that my room isn' room.

"What's going on?" I speak to myself and rockily walk over to the window. Outside my window everything was different. By that I mean everything was blurry and when I realized hat I instantly ran around this room finding my contacts. Heck anyones contacts will do. On the beds comforter there was a white object which I immediately sprang to. I must have put them in at record speed. Once that was done and out of the way I realized just how much noise I'm making and slowly...slowly creep over to the window and peek through it.

There was a house right across from me and out of my perhiperal vision there was another made out of logs just like it was a cabin. This was just the side window I wonder what I would see if I say everything from the front windows...

Rushing down a set of light oak wood winding stairs the first thing I see is the room. The room itself wasn't big but it had a stove which is powered by wood being on fire and the basic sink with an old timey looking refrigerator. It's without the freezer mind you. The rest of the area was more tiled with a cream colored rug by the door which seemed to be made from birchwood with some random locks on it. The door reminded me oddly enough of the minecraft door which was made from birchwood. Yup, Vylads nerdy side is rubbing off on me.

Thinking about that I survey the rest of the room just to find a small round table with four chairs surrounding it. All in all it is a small room but with a few windows. "Windows, just what I was looking for." I whisper to myself.

Walking over towards the window I'm once again shocked at what I see. From here it was a clear view. Twelve houses including my own are surrounding a platform with a podium on one side, a table on the other, and a post in the center of it. This platform is the center of town. " this!" I demand to no one in particular. Storming towards the minecraft door I reach out trying to pull it open only to find it unbudging-locked. "What is it with this place?" I question to the air.

No wonder nobody was outside-it's locked! And no wonder no one was heard screaming-this place is probably sound proof too! What is this place!? Looking around wildly I find a piece of paper that I can't believe that I missed. Running over to the left side of the door I start to read the paper pinned onto the wall trying to not do down thing too stupid.

This is what the paper said:
Congratulations Lucina Reed your role is: Doctor.
Abilities: Heals someone each night
Attributes: You can only heal yourself once
Goal:Stay alive
How to win: Be with the last surviving group of people

At night each role that has a nightly duty has five to twenty minutes to perform that duty. Choose who you save each night wisely.

Roles out there:
Serial Killer

Don't tell anyone who you are you can not trust anyone

Be careful Lucina Reed.

What the-ok so the bad people are probably...the Serial Killer, Arsonist, maybe the Grandfather, mafioso, the framer. The rest the list of roles seem safe enough. But if I'm the Doctor then who are the other eleven?

Tick Tick Tick Tick... Bing

At that Bing sound the front door unlocked and the door swung on its hinges leading the way to a small porch with two steps leading down to hard pavement which leads right to the platform. If I'm here then-"Lucina over here!" I voice shouted completely breaking my thoughts to fragments.

Turning my head I see that my next door 'neighbor' is Dylan. If Dylan is here...then who else is?
"Dylan? What are you doing here?" I shouted running down the few steps of my porch and went running to meet Dylan on the grass between our houses.
"Honestly I don't know. I just woke up here and then-well-there was a Bing and then the door opened and then I came on the porch of this house and saw you in that doorway." He explained gesturing to both his porch and my door when he spoke. "Just what is this place?" I ask for what felt like the millionth time. "I don't know." Which was the first reply that I was given.

"Who else do you think is here? Why do you think we're here?" I question the list going on and on. "It said to be careful so what if-" I didn't get to ask the last question because Dylan pulled me into his arms at that point. It feels safe, the only safe haven that I have here. I realized that he was whispering that it was going to be alright and that's when I also realized that I'm violently shaking. Gritting my teeth I will myself to stop shaking and slowly I do.

"Gather around! Gather around!" A voice called from the podium. Breaking slightly away I notice that a middle age adult was speaking on the podium telling the other residents to gather around the platform. So Dylan and I break away from each other and walk over to where everyone else is standing as my guard slid into place keeping people away from my emotions.

"Welcome!" the man announced.
"It's Day One! Now here's a few things you should all know, if you want to live that is."

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