Chapter 12

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I wake up in the middle of the night, a nightmare of what happened the other day. 1:47 a.m the wall clock read.

"I said stop!" I shout kneeing Vylad in the stomach. "What the hell Lucina?"  The brunette on the ground yelled at me. "That's not my name," A mumble escaped my lips.

Lucina is my name.

"What was that?" Sophia shouts "I said: Stop fight...ame," I repeated awkwardly covering up my weird mistake. "Lucina..." Dylan calls grabbing my attention. Turning my head I see his dark mahogany hair  sticking to his forehead. "Yeah?" I say a little breathlessly. "Get inside." "What?" I shout back appraoching him with my brow drawn together. "I said," There's something wrong with him. He looks in pain. "Dylan what's-" "I said go!"

Grabbing me by my shoulders he throws me inside my house, slamming he door open in the process. "What the hell!" Voices are blurring and mixing in together.

"Get out of the house! Get out!"

I'm in another dream

"I said go to your room!" A witch, how my thoughts describe her is pointing her manicured nail in my face and sends me marching up to my room. I recognize this room. It's the same from the room before but older and...messier.

The walls were the same, but anything that resembled a childhood wasn't there. The floor was covered with books and things were ripped and torn. This body I'm in walks over to the closet after locking her door and grabs something that's colored in all black. Tossing it on the bed 'I' grab some clothes and a few other things and open the bedside window.

The window was a good size. Enough to block out someone from falling but big enough to fit a large box through. Zipping up what seems like a black duffel bag 'I' throw on a dark grey hoodie and walk towards the window.

Putting the sneakered foot at the window a voice scoffs, "Alright, I'm outta here"

And then I woke up. Getting out of bed I head towards the door putting on my white and red mask and clicking a button at random I select Vylad, but instead of it shining a dim green it goes off with an alarming red.

"What?" I shout grabbing the doors handle and pulling at it with no avail. Pulling of my Red Cross I start banging at the door, slamming it getting more and more distraught and confused. With a final slam I sink to the ground fearing what could happen next.

"Okay, okay Lucina y-you're fine you're okay." I mumble to myself thinking about how many scenes like this I've read in books. Picking myself off of the ground I reach for the door handle once again, yet before I reach it the door clicks. It's unlocked. The lights still red.

Ignoring that I reach for the handle once again my white nightgowns sleeves sliding down my arm. Before I reach it though the door opens with a loud smack and in comes in a man with a black devil mask with giant horns out of the top of it.

He seems surprised to see me right here but comes towards me anyway with something shiny coming from his hand. Running at me he goes for my chest with the shiny object.

Right when I realized what the object was I ducked and punched the guy in the gut and the face like Sophia told me. He crumbled led on the ground, knees hitting the wood floor, object still in hand. I don't wait for him to attack again so I run out of the house in the closed night.

It's gonna rain soon.

I make make a run for Sophia's house, it was closest and she'd be able to help me. Running up to the dark stone house(did I describe her house earlier?) I pound at the door hoping that she'd let me in but there's no response.

Looking over my shoulder I see the man and his mask in all their murderous glory even under the clouded night. He starts coming for the stairs to the porch and I run to the side of the railing and fall off of it. His feet are pounding after me and I scramble up, my dress ripping in some places where traces of dirt are.

Running away I then head towards Dylan's house, hoping to any god or whoever listening will have home open that door. Running up I pound on the door. "Dylan! Dylan help me!" I yell out spotting the devil running at me. I pound harder and yell louder.

Finally the door swings open and Dylan is standing there looking in disarray, hair and clothes disheveled. Taking in the sight I feel slightly safer and try to push myself into the house.

Right as I cross the threshold I fell this weight in me. Dylan looks up seeing me not moving and then looks at me-no, behind me, horror in his normally sarcastic yet curious eyes. "Lucina!" He shouts grabbing my shoulders as soon as I started moving again.


I start coughing, lying in between his threshed and the porch. Dylan went looking with his eyes for a moment and seeing how the assailant miraculously disappeared his full attention was on my coughing figure now. "Are-are you okay Lucina?"

"I'm fine," I get cut off by my own coughing and he just gives be a stern look. I won't stop coughing and I'm apparently coughing up blood. "Where-" Coughing "where'd he ge-get me?" I mumble tripping over my own words, vision getting hazy.

"He got the back of your lungs, he missed your spine though." He finishes his sentence with a slight glimmer of hope and he got a sad smile on his face as he says, "I'll find the doctor and they'll fix you up o-okay? They're nice I even talked to them once?" His voice is questioning itself but I just shake my head.

"Y-you c-ca-" Being cut off by my own coughing I resort to shaking my head which is making me tired. "Why not? Do you want to die?" He's raising his voice now and brings my head onto his lap. "I'm th-the doctor..." I whisper having the pain finally set in after what felt like years.

He looks so sad and distraught and then a wave of anger took over him but quickly dissipated. The clouds let out a soft rumble and then sharp rain drops hit the ground creating a melody. "It's raining..." he mumbles looking off into the yard and then grabs my paling hand. "Rain is the best music..." When I finish saying that voices started softly going off in my head.

"It's cliché though," I whisper sadly. "Oh really?" He tries putting his words in a sarcastic tone but they just crumple and the words fall into themselves. "This always happens when someone the main character cared about a book and-an-" Coughing, more coughing my head shakes violently and I'm panting and wheezing now.

Dylan put his arms around my back and pulls my up towards him. "I'm sorry..." he whispers and tears slide down his face not hitting the deck yet. I reach my hand up towards him and end up clinging it to his cheek trying and succeeding to wipe a few tears off.

As my hand falls he catches it repositioning it on his face. "I'm sorry I failed you..." He whispered. My vision is turning dark. He's looking down so I can't see his hazel or more like green eyes. We've never been able to figure out what color they were and I guess we never will, huh? Trivial thoughts I guess you could say in this moment.

I want to see his eyes.
I can't speak.
I'm losing life and vision.
I want to see his pretty eyes one last time, those eyes that has displayed so many emotions in the past and present and hopefully, the future. I want to see the eyes that have comforted me for so long. The eyes I had bumped into all those years ago.

He doesn't lift his head. Just clutching a dead hand. With a sad smile my vision goes black...and my head falls...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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