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Everything looked black and white when I woke up. There were torches hanging up on a brick wall and every step I took, they would light up. I walked into a hall area filled with nothing but rooms and stairs. It was like a mix of my mind and Darkrai’s mind. Maybe if I’m in this nightmare then Mia-ya’s in the nightmare as well. I just have to find her.

I walked all around this place until I finally found her. He was standing in the darkness crying. I heard her say something about her brother. She kept crying and her voice started becoming manipulated. An image came from her body being torn from the inside out. In other words it wasn’t Mia-ya but it was what was going on in her dreams. I saw her and the admiral together. He was talking to one of his men behind her back and he was planning on killing her. That’s what I got from the image before it changed to something else. She started dreaming about her brother and he was running on a platform. When he finally caught up to her he died. The image changed again, to me this time. It showed us traveling together and while we’re stuck here on Sabaody Archipelago I’m supposed to die. This girl’s dreams are very active.

The room changed from black and white to just white. She was there again, standing on the opposite side of me. She reached her arms out to me in hopes that I would save her. I saw Darkrai behind her and as she stepped closer I could see that he was manipulating her. This is only a dream so it’s not like she’d really get hurt on the outside. She hugged me and stayed hugging me. I knew she was taking some of my power away. I had my sword with me in my dream and I stabbed her with it. She looked at me with grief in her eyes. I knew better. She fell to the ground and her body decomposed into nothing. I stood there looking at what I thought was Darkrai’s true form.

He was all white except for the collar around his neck. It was still red. He just stayed looking at me waiting for me to make a move but that wasn’t going to happen. We stayed away from each other until finally we both moved at the same time. I was caught in his trap, or so he thought. We walked until we were a close distance from each other.

“I’m impressed that you would stab your own traveling companion in a nightmare. Why would you do something like that,” Darkrai asked.

“She wasn’t real. You were only manipulating her in this nightmare.”

“You are correct, I’m impressed you caught on so quickly,” he remarked.

“You must take me for some kind of fool. I’m not an idiot. Mia-ya might fall into traps like that but I won’t. You’re going to wake me up from this nightmare even if I have to drag you out,” I threatened.

“Drag me out? Impossible. You don’t have what it takes Law.”

My eyes were hidden by the shadow created with the brim of my hat. Darkrai and I just stood at the close distance waiting for the other to make a move. The background image changed again to something Mia-ya would call personal. We were standing on top of a decrepit building. Most of the bricks from the sides of the building have been taken off, due to weather and bad punishment. I remember this place and I call it the living hell. This place was once home to me many years ago but now it’s nothing but a forgotten memory. I was taken here as a young child in order to learn discipline by the ones who were taking care of me.

“Does this bring back memories Law? I’m sure you remember that you’re the cause of most of the bricks at the bottom being missing. Are you scared Law, it’s okay to come out and say it. I won’t hurt you.”

This bastard has a lot of nerve pulling this kind of shit.  My eyes are still hidden by my hat but I’m not necessarily looking at Darkrai. I’m looking at this building. The rooftop is weak enough for us to go through. Darkrai right now looks like he’s at his weakest point as well. This stage must be the one where he only takes over the mind of the people he’s controlling and if he’s controlling so many at one time he gets even weaker. This is only a theory but maybe my strategy will work. Darkrai appears as Mia-ya when I look back up at him and just like before the arms are extend towards me. I give in to Mia-ya and after some time I throw her through the roof down to the ground. She appears weak and now she can’t get up. Darkrai appears again.

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